May 16, 2007 17:51

The Spinto Band, We Are Scientists -ALSO RAN BUZZ BANDS-

Since the venue was all the way out in Phoenix, Allison and I made a point of getting there right after we got her from school. We got to The Brick House at about 5PM, which was a good time, since there were people showing up shortly after.
The concert its self was a joint head-lining concert actually. Since We Are Scientists and Art Brut are kind of equal in popularity, they switched back and forth as the last band on the tour. Tonight Art Brut as last, and since I am -DEFIANTLY- not a fan of theirs, I didn't plan on staying for them.
There was a radio station promoting themselves, so they had a table set up next to the door. As a gift, they gave us pens and a couple packs of hot tamales. With that, Allison and I passed the time by trying to get as many tamales through the bullet holes in the glass window as possible.

Phoenix is frightening at night, so the venue people let us in a little earlier than they should have for safety.


When we got inside we went to our spot in the dead center, in the front. Allison and I took turns saving out spot to go get merch. I had gotten an "I ARE SCIENTISTS" We Are Scientists shirt, a We Are Scientists bag, and "The Great Escape" and "Nobody Move, Nobody Get Hurt" singles. Allison just an "I R SCIENTISTS" shirt, We Are Scientists underwear, The Spinto Band's "Nice and Nicely Done" album and a The Spinto Band shirt.

The show started at around 7:30PM or so. Which is actually quite early!

M1. Brown Boxes
M2. Spy vs. Spy
M3. Crack the Whip
M4. Did I Tell You
M5. Direct to the Helmet
M6. Mountains
M8. Trust vs. Mistrust
M9. So Kind, Stacy
M10. Late
M11. Oh Mandy

The Spinto Band. What an adorable band! Really. They were so energetic and funny. I loved them a lot. Especially the bassist/ vocalist Thomas. He was especially energetic. The other vocalist/ guitarist, Nick was sick, so he wasn't as fun. That's understand able though.
"Brown Boxes" was the best song performed out of all of them.
After they were finished with their set, I asked Thomas if I may have his set list and he gladly gave it to me. The thing was, was that it was written on a napkin and it was being held down by his microphone stand, so when he went to get it he kind of ripped the bottom. It was fine though.

They then cleared stage and We Are Scientists roadie went up and started to set up and tune their instruments. He looked a lot like Nero, it was kind of creepy.
It was really exciting. I had been waiting to see them live for a while.

Then they finally came on -

M1. Lousy Reputation
M2. Nobody Move, Nobody Get Hurt
M3. Cash Cow
M4. Can't Lose
M5. Callbacks
M6. Tonight Tonight
M7. Worth the Wait
M8. It's A Hit
M9. Mucho Mas
M10. Textbook
M11. This Scene is Dead
M12. Inaction
M13. Best Behavior
M14. The Great Escape

I don't think I've been so obnoxious during a concert in my life. Every song they played I was yelling all the words a long with them. Especially during "It's a Hit". I somehow got the idea that, when ever Keith sang "I'VE BEEN HIT! I'VE BEEN HIT! I'VE BEEN HIT!", I would make these...little punching notions with my arm. He actually seemed pretty amused by it. Everytime I did it he would look down in my direction and start chuckling a little. There was a point were I did it so hard that he gave this HUGE SMILE and was unable to sing because he was smiling so much. I gave one more punch after that, since I didn't want him to not sing the song. It was a cute moment.
I forget which song it was after, but there was a point when Micheal, the drummer get his camera out and took a picture of the crowd. Out of impulse, I did the peace sign. I will never break that habit. Ever.

They did an MC after another song. It was between Chris and Keith. They were talking about Alice Cooper's Sports Bar and about how you can get a Stevie Nicks burger there and it was made of real bits of Stevie Nicks, but it was still vegetarian.

At the end, during "The Great Escape", one of the guitar players for Art Brut came out and took Keith's guitar to finish the song, which Keith got on an amp and started to sing. At the end of the song, he jumped off of the amp and on to the guy. It was amusing.

I managed to get Keith's set list! That was pretty amazing. I know a lot of people were fighting for it, but Nero roadie was nice and gave it to me. It was very nice looking. All typed up and held down with electrical tape.

Allison and I then left the front for the Art Brut fans. We went into the back by the bar and waited for my mother to pick us up, when we saw The Spinto Band selling merch. Since we had a pen and a fresh Spinto album, we decided to take it over to Thomas and keyboardist Sam for them to sign it for us. They did, they were so nice. Thomas drew a little flower coming out of the girls hand. We then found Nick and had him sign it for us as well. After that, we re-took our post by the bar. One of the bar workers came up to us and asked us if we would be the last ones to leave, we said no and he left us alone. We believe that...he wanted us to go backstage. Groupies? I don't think so. It was interesting though.

- Keith smiling after I made punching motions.

- While Keith and Chris were doing their MC, someone told Keith that he had herpes's because he said he had a cold sore on his lip, he replied with a very cute, very whiney "I don't have herpessssss~"

- Keith jumping off of the amp and knocking Art Brut guitarist to the ground.

- Having Nick, Thomas and Sam sign an album for us.

The car ride home was even a little exciting. We were telling my mom all about what happened and I showed her my videos that I took on my cell phone, even though they were very crappy quality.

I also took a picture of all the stuff -

we are scientists, the spinto band, also ran buzz bands, the brick house

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