Aug 09, 2007 03:11
Too many ... too much... too diverse???
well now comes the time when i drop back in and say... wow... where the hell have i been only to think why should i revisit the past when i am all about the here... the now... and the how
seriously... if theres one thing that bugs me then it would be repetitious patterns which lurk just beneath the surface and allow for no variation or modulation when it comes to feeling
either the content or the flow of its creative mission... i will admit that we all flourish on the concept of routine and balance but good fucking gravy... when did we forget that doing the same thing over and over again was ever going to make anything change
sure we could talk about the power of decay and compost pungency but lets not get into self demolition and deconstruction via continuation of excess... too much and too many for me thanks
the lesson in this life for me might come down to too diverse really but others may not understand or even care when i go on about such things and the need for certain amounts of diversity as a component of actual learning and progressive evaluation with some meditated investment or at least input to larger social digs
well... we all know that i like to bounce around and look at life on many different levels but hey... i do have a few things that i am stickin with here and lots of others that i am awkwardly trying to put forward based on their merit despite my limitations
so....... can there be too much diversity i ask you??? dunno... lets figure it out together because my frickin back is breakin with needing to reduce the violence i see in this life turned outward and inward by the people closest to me and far from me
since change is the only constant why not work with it i ask...
hmmm.... yack ack ack... if you aint seen 'We Jam Econo' then do!