(no subject)

Mar 22, 2010 21:29

whoever you are, hi :D

i've been so mad busy with work, church, G12 and meeting people on my off days i truly miss being home for dinner for a change and i'm seriously lacking in sleep. but i'm catching up!

i'm only about 70% done with my uni applications? this is quite terrible because i'm so afraid i will forget something, so i'd better email my tutors tonight about getting my apprasial letters written and stuff. then i have to get started on SMU's crazy long application tomorrow and PAY FOR ALL MY APPLICATIONS! btw, SMU's application costs $5 more than NUS and NTU's, like wtfbbq idgi.

SO ANYWAYS, on friday i sort of bailed in the middle of G12 to meet bestf Denise and heh heh, Paul.
Denise is crazy close to Paul so the two of them were talking about sailing and what not rubbish with all the huge jargon and i was just sitting there !@#$%^&* (don't tell you what i was doing XD but Denise knows. i think mcmelly too) i love being close to Denise again after all those years in Sports School. THAT GIRL WILL BE MY ROOMIE OKAY.

my nights have been spazzing about BEAST.

and i lost my train of thought. bye (:

day to day musings, these words just fell from the sky, friends, just so you know

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