bye bye birdie.

Feb 10, 2010 23:29

i have this freaking freaking HUGE headache right now i feel like puking and my head is spinning in all directions. i don't know how this headache came about but it could be a mixture of erratic sleeping patterns + sun + mabel's high pitchy voice + bloody traffic jams that make the bus jam break ever few seconds. ugh thinking about it makes me want to puke again.

oh and thefunnybone , i texted you about work today right? other than her voice being kind of shrilly and fuelling my headache she didn't give me hell what. haha maybe you fainted in surprise :/

wts, i am going to curl up in bed with my itouch (who lovingly has no name bc i think that naming it after my biases would be creepy. my biases do not equal to abused electronics tyvm) and just loop u-kiss' album, especially Without U. and i have endearingly adopted Eli as my scandal, Kevin as my sworn sista and Dongho as my dongsaeng. ngl i miss Eli and Kevin's hair. i cannot say it enough. I MISS IT SFM, ALL THAT BLONDE GOODNESS.

happy night to all of you. i found out from mcmelly that Kris Allen's playing at zirca tonight. not like i had any tickets nor wuld i get tickets but the fact that he's here saddens me. oh and the fact that he's married haha okay let's all go 'wtf kim! -.-'

and you can clearly see i'm not in the right frame of mind anymore.

day to day musings, picture that, these words just fell from the sky, u-kiss

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