(no subject)

Jun 26, 2009 12:04

why. whywhywhy is everyone mourning over the death of MJ? i mean, okay he was the king of pop, and was probably really really good at what he did. you know.. until he turned somewhat psycho :/

and it's not that i don't appreciate his works, becauase god knows i love his stupid abc song, and some random others. the problem is that you know what is one of my fondest memories of MJ? yes, it's watching him on south park, back then with his molestation case was huge and all, with his nose falling off from all the plastic surgery? yes, not the best memory i would have of him. but it's one of the clearest in my mind and well, sometimes i think he had it coming. because the moment he went for all the chemical peels all those years ago, i real king of pop died somewhere inside, and he went completely psycho.

it's not that i don't feel for him. i feel for him, because he inspired one of the best dancers in the kpop entertainment industry i've seen so far,
lee taemin. i mean, he's 15, his dancing is fantastic, as compared to like, jungmin and jaejoong and stuff who are way older and have way more experience than him. so you see, the MJ who inspired people is probably not the same MJ that died today/yesterday.

also i have numbed myself to the inner workings of hollywood because that instudry is bull, i've had enough of all the celebrity nonsense. just continue to produce semi-watchable movies and i would be eternally grateful.

well, RIP MJ, i'll still listen to that abc song.

day to day musings, it's probably you i'm writing about, shinee

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