I'll be cavalier, I'll be yours my dear ;;

Apr 21, 2008 21:36

Jonathan Lim is my lucky star! ★
And he self-proclaimed it.

1) I didn't run my 3 rounds for pe! Because Zheng Gang called us for novelty for I don't know what. But in the end there were too many Phoenix students so we just went back for pe. Basketball *hmpf* Commando cannot play that for nuts. So boring! Whatever, I want to play netball can!

2) During econs tutorial, Sim Fatimah was like, staring at me, and I was staring at her. Then she said " you using your phone right, don't think I don't know." And all I did was space at her and smile. Cherie was staring at me like I was crazy. Then I turned to her and I was like "omg, I think I just processed what she said." Then I started stuffing myself with gummy bears.

Studying with Jon is always eventful. But yay, I finished all my MI tutorials and assignments, and started studying random econs topics. Feel accomplished, and do not feel guilty about sleeping earlier today. BECAUSE I HAVE NO MORE PI TO DO! :D So we studied in the library until it closed, then studied at those benches by the staircase. Then we left school about 7.30pm or so. So then we walked to the super far bus stop, because he's nice like that, and I can only take lousy 8 from there. And he's my lucky star, everytime I walk with him to the far bus stop, 8 always comes before his 59. Then today as we crossed the little "island" ouside school, we saw 8 turn. Gah! So I told him that confirm his bus would come before mine, and that the tradition would be broken. Then he said, no no either while we were walking 59 would pass us and he would miss it, or 8 could come before his 59, because it was off schedule or something.

So as we were walking, he was telling me why he didn't take pure geog in secondary school when I started laughing like crazy. And then he stared at me like I was the most demented thing he'd ever seen on earth and it took me like, forever to stop laughing and tell him what happened. So yes, because I have a brain that was not functioning properly, especially after hours of studying at  practically 8 at night, two random thoughts that ran through my mind simultaneously just made me laugh like a crazy idiot.

No1: I wanted to tell him that he totally should have gone to my school because my school offered pure geog. Then I suddenly realised I was from a girls school, and he cannot go there, like DUH, you know?
No2: 59 passed us as we were like, less than 100m from the bus stop. Yeah. I don't know why it was so funny. Maybe it was because what he said totally came true, and he didn't believe me when I told him 59 just passed. He thought I was totally joking, or I was blind. Which is quite true, thanks to him being short sighted (or is it astigmatism?) without his glasses and my astigmatism. I told him that he would so run off and catch the bus if he wanted, but he would be breaking the chain and he might not be my good luck charm anymore [ :( ] but he decided to continue with the whole tradition/chain/whatever you call it, and missed the bus and stood with me at the bus stop to wait and see if 8 came before 59. (and I'm telling you, it did. :D)

So at the bus stop, we saw like, two double-deckered bus 9s come together, and I was like wholly it's like I have double vision. Then I was saying how he should calculated the probability of two double-deckered bus 9s came together in a row. The like, a minute later, we saw ANOTHER double-deckered 9 come, and all I did was stare at it going, okay wth. Then Jon was saying, oh maybe the first two we saw were not real, and that they were only illusions, and the third bus we saw was the real bus 9. Then I stared at him with the same expression as I did with the bus, and simple stated that he was trying to sound so KI. Then we just laughed and laughed like a crazy people.

So he said he was going to blog about it, and I wanted to copy and paste his long post because I am lazy and tired, but he refuses to give me his blog address so I have to go hunt for it. How I'm going to do it, I don't know. I'll try google searching it first.

Oh, and he gave me this weird nickname, that is evernworse than
thepoorstudent's KIMBO, and I cannot remember what it is, so I shall ask him (and clobber him) tomorrow.

4) 3 was long wasn't it? I forgot. Anways I'm happy because I saw my HOT GUITARIST twice today! Yay! HAHA TO YOU JOEL. Hahahhahaha!
I'm waiting for him to break up with the girlfriend he suppsedly has in SRJC, according to Joel. HEE HEE :D

5) Oh, Cherie just told me Joel took a photo of my studying with Jon at the benches by the staircase, because their bio remedial classroom was just two classes away from there -.- I shall see if they photo justifies me first, before I decide if he should send to me, or delete it. And it'll probably determine how badly he'll get clobbered too.

6) Apart from that minute I threw my shoebag up the bleachers so that bestfriend could help me keep it in his locker, I didn't see him at all today, even during breaks :( He didn't come find me at the canteen after lessons, maybe because he was filing and by the time he was about done I was going off for GP already. And tomrrow his econs test is not with mine! No inspiration in the LT. Haha.

Woah, I typed super long today :D
And one last thing:
I saw it on
roannaweenie's LJ and I totally DIED ON THE SPOT.

twilight, edward cullen, roanne, friends, school

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