Here's something groovy: my pal
Matthew Welch has been helping me out with writing up a text transcript of my comic
The Makeshift Man. (He's doing the heavy lifting of the transcribing, and I’m just touching up here and there with minor edits.) We’ve got up to page seven written and online, and hope to have more done soon. This is new territory for both of us, so if you have any suggestions for how to make this transcription better or more accessible, please feel free to let us know. :)
The comic starts here.
Facebook page )
Also, I think last week I just up and forgot to let you know what's going on with
Monster Plus? Well, due to a few technical difficulties involving poltergeists, we were unable to provide an actual new, instead, I put together an ice-cream-colored triptych pin-up, featuring our stalwart heroes.
Facebook page )
New pages coming when resident ghosts have been sufficiently busted. Take care, y'all!