Whoooooooooooooo...New page! And whadda loada crapola. This is why I shouldn't be allowed to take a break from drawing, ever: my stuff just immediately turns awful. Terrible lettering on this. :P
Simple backgrounds, but that's okay. That's one of those cartoonist tricks: ya bust your chops on a couple good establishing panels, and that gives you some leeway to be less extravagant until you get to another big, splashy panel that merits it. It isn't laziness, though; the eye becomes overwhelmed by too much detail (especially in black and white) and needs places to rest.
Anyway. Page 04:05. "Motivation".
No page of MM today, because, of course, I am waitin' until the results of the
MM Halloween Contest...for which I have yet received no entries. Oh, woe! Whomsoever shall I draw on the next page...?
Oh! Here is something special for you to see! This was my wedding invitation. The only appropriate course of action, I thought. :D
A-a-a-a-and I am now open for commissions again. Including comic book wedding invitations! ;D
Here are some arts that I have recently drawn:
So that's that. And I still have a very big announcement coming...and now I have an actual time that things are going down...and the big announcement will be announced next week! It's something tricky, and I think you'll find it a big treat! MUAH HAH HAH HAH HAH...!!