Whoo! Comicky pages for you!
Here's some Dis. Ah, friendships based on physical proximity.
...It's pronounced "HECK-uh-TEE", by the way. Not "HECK-eight". It's mispronounced with surprising frequency.
Also, I would point out that I love drawing breakfast tables.
Dis 04:04: Made Some Friends
And The Makeshift Man. That big establishing-shot first panel took a while, but I'm so happy with this whole page. I think I really got the aesthetic I was going for. I added a new brown paint to my palette just for this, and I got to break out my two favorite tools-my fan brush and my Batman toothbrush-to give this lots of nice, filthy texture. >:D
Makeshift Man 02:07
And here is a nifty thing. The fellas over at
A Little Dead Podcast have done a review of The Makeshift Man #1 on their show! And...they concluded that it is worth reading! Hooray! You should give it a listen:
A Little Comic Book Update, 14 September 2010
Here's some stuff I've drawn:
...Holy cow, I'm getting married in eleven days. That is boss. @.@