In Darkness Dwells

Mar 31, 2010 11:07

Posting from The Box. I feel it is imperative to record my dreams of the past two days, for reasons which will momentarily become obvious.

Night before last:

My friend Sadmac (whom I have never met in person) gives me a gift, something which can only be described as "a box of pets". This includes two rabbits, one guinea pig, one hamster, and some tree frogs, but is mostly composed of reptiles--a few geckos, a couple anoles, some small green snakes, one juvenile boa constrictor, one chameleon, and two bearded dragons. The snakes and lizards were mainly what he wanted to give me, deciding that I was really into reptiles now, because of The Makeshift Man. For similar reasons, the box also included one sparrow.

I was somewhat distressed, because I would have to buy lots of crickets to feed my pets, and crickets freak me right the hell out, especially when there's lots of them. However, I did think that my hallway terrarium (converted from a closet) was pretty neato.

Last night:

I'm in a high school classroom that seems to have been furnished by the set designer for the Smashing Pumpkins' "Zero" video, and for some reason I have to spontaneously give a speech on something that has moved me emotionally, and a TV is wheeled out, so I play a video cassette of Twisted Sister's "I Wanna Rock" (which I just happened to have on-hand) and start talking about that, much to the boredom of the classroom.

But there is trouble afoot, because this castle-like school is owned and operated by a glamorously evil noble family and their retainers (all outfitted in a music video's interpretation of 18th century costumes. So many purple sequins!) They're all sitting at a long banquet table, forming a board of judges, passing sentence while they feast on exquisite delicacies and get giddy on wine and snuff. They've captured Alice Cooper and are trying to kill him with a wooden, water-wheel-powered torture device and electric chair. However, he rises again as a Frankenstein's monster and destroys the machine. (The soundtrack for all this is an epic Alice Cooper medley, prominently featuring "Poison", which makes sense since I'd had that stuck in my head all day.)

Then Twisted Sister shows up, ready for battle with the fancy nobles, and Dee Snider punches a guy's head off. These events are made historic in manga form by a wide-eyed young Japanese cartoonist, who immortalizes Dee Snider as a pink-and-grey robot warrior from space.

...Why do I ever bother waking up?

alice cooper, dreams, twisted sister

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