Weekly art news. Arm thyself with knowledge.
Why Golden Ratio Pleases the Eye: US Academic Says He Knows Art Secret Best Photographs of 2009 The Boy Who Paints Like an Old Master Children of the Virtual WorldComing to a Screen Near You Terror Handbook Artist Appeals for Watchdog's Aid India Sand Santa Sculptures Spread Green Message Artist to Film Cliff Home Demise Gao Brothers Continue to Rile Art World with Lenin-Mao Sculpture In Case You Missed the Revolution, Man"What's It All Mean" Cartoonist in Denmark Calls Attack "Really Close" Depending on the Culture of StrangersThe Decade in Art - Most of the news this week was folk compiling reviews of the past year's top stories, trying to define the decade, or make predictions for the next year. I dig that here we have someone pointing out that history doesn't mold itself neatly to what is expected. So this is the only story of that type that I'll be sharing, here. Also, it's this week's featured story.
Starting with Lines, but Ending with TruthThe Work of David LevineInsight by a Thousand StrokesThe History of a LineDavid Levine's Time Covers - R.I.P. Mr. Levine. Shine on, you crazy diamond.
Why Van Gogh Cut His Ear: New Clue The "Noble Savage" Comic Book Maidology Meet Dan Lin, Clueless Producer of CGI Tom & Jerry Pic - *sigh*
Will 2010 Be the Year of Superheroic Niceness? - Personally, I think we overthink our comics way too much, in our crazy Postmodernist way, and we forget about just, ya know, telling stories.
Alan Moore: Comics Won't Save You, but Dodgem Logic Might Famous Artist Course in PDF Form Does Red Weigh More Than Blue? Also, like usual, some stuff got stolen and some stuff got sold and some people argued over who owns some stuff.