I would like to make a brief apology. Wednesday I got almost done with
The Makeshift Man page 14...All done except for puttin' on the top lines, scanning, cleaning, and lettering. And I fully intended on getting all this done tonight after dinner!*
However, I first had some difficulty with my computer monitor deciding to suddenly change its resolution from its usual 1680x1050 pixels, to only 800x600...and I had to mess with that for a while to fix it. (
John was very helpful with this, while I was kinda hysterical and screaming something about my computer needing to be baptized, or something like that...)
And then...I was further distracted by finding myself searching for Twilight merchandise online**.
But! In all this, I discovered something amazing: the Makeshift Man, himself....is a huge fan of Twilight. Like...a huge fan***. This is weird, because he doesn't get excited about a lot of things. This is also weird because he's not a big reader, like, at all. And this is also weird because he actually talks to real supernatural beings every day.
...I have decided that the second issue is going to open with him reading the work of Stephanie Meyer. I think he shoplifted the book from a Wal*Mart.
I just thought you guys should know.
Page will be up tomorrow, for reals.
Dis, too.
* Noodles, pork, snap peas, and turnip greens, stir-fried in garlic, ginger, and soy. I also made brownies.
** For a noble purpose, I assure you.****
*** He will find a way to get into the premiere of the second movie. He will make it a reality.
**** I actually haven't read these books, or seen the movie. I plan on doing so, so that I might properly despise them in good conscience, though I will do my best at being objective while reading. But, maaaaaaan, I just gotta see how on earth someone could write a line like "Do I dazzle you?" and actually expect anyone to take it seriously.