Apr 08, 2008 21:08
I didn’t even realize it- but that has a lot to do with this blog.
I may be about to get laid off. Shell is selling all of its stations in NorCal, and the Tooley’s only get to hold onto the ones they own. And I have no idea what this’ll do for my job outlook.
The closest readily available job for me is 4 miles from home- and my bike’s back tire keeps going flat.
Between taxes and paychecks, I’ll have barely enough to cover rent for the next 2-3 months. That’s the time I have to get a new job. If I don’t find one, I have to bail out on Nick, and I hate to do that to someone I respect- because I don’t know what he’s gonna do. His father passed away, and that was who he was living with before he moved.
If I have to move out, I’m going to enlist- because I’d rather die in a war I don’t support than live with my parents.
I don’t know how many of you pay attetion to the news- The world is going to hell. We’re threatened with the possibility of the worst recession since the 1920’s. Gas supplies are running out within the next decade. The dollar is worth absolute shit overseas, which means our cost of living is gonna shoot through the roof. The gap between the middle and upper classes is growing too quickly. And mistrust of the government is frightening.
I’m afraid that we’re approaching a revolution, or a civil war, within the next several years. And I don’t know that there’s anything to be done about it- it’s just that time for our country.
And I haven’t gotten laid in a month and a half. So I’m blaming that, in part, for my general attitude.
*shrugs* Just feelin shitty lately, folks.