Take my photo off the wall

Jun 16, 2005 00:25


Name/Nicknames: Megan//Meg, Meggy, Wifey
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Location: Oviedo, Florida
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Sexual Preference: Guys, girls are fun though.
Single or Taken?: single
Who is your idol and why?: Chris Volz of Five Bolt Main. When he was in Flaw, his lyrics saved my life. Check them out and you'll see why.


Favorite Bands/Musical Artists: Five Bolt Main, Flaw, Seether
Favorite Movies: Anything with AdamSandler or Leslie Nelson
Favorite Things About Yourself : My love for animals
Favorite Song and why: Consequences of Emotion- It's like it was written for me
Favorite Mistake: hmmm.. probably getting arrested. ive learned so much from it and made some friends along the way.

choose at least two subjects out of the following

Religion: I don't give a shit what religion you are, just as long as you dont try to shove it down my throat. as long as you have something to believe in, thats fine. I believe in scientology, go me.
Today's definition of beauty: You have to have fake tits and a size 0 waist. and 9/10 people dont have that. I know I don't. It just makes people depressed and tries to cookie-cut mold people into what society wants them to be.
Homosexuality/Homophobia: Gay people are people too, treat them with respect.
Premarital sex:

>//Word Association\\
Hilary Duff- Beer
Fluffy- Katie
Love- Hate
Newspaper- Boy
Rap- shit
80s- hair
Roses- red
Whores- titty club
Beautiful- smashing
Blink- oneeightytwo

Pepsi or Coke: None, I don't drink soda.
Punk or Prep: None, Stereotypes are lame.
Green or Pink: Green
Books or T.V.: TV
Night or Day: Night
Country or City: City
Pac Sun or Abercrombie: Pac Sun
Skaters or Band Members: Band Members
Blonde or Brunette: Brunette
Summer or Winter: Winter

Make a play list of 5 songs that describe your life:
Consequences of Emotion-Flaw
"If I'm so afraid of people leaving me, then why do I push them away? It's just the consequences of emotion"
Only The Strong-Flaw
"Maybe things happen for a reason and where in lies the answer to overcome the greiving of lifes unruly lessons I'm handed in sucession, it builds my pain which makes me strong"
Best I am-Flaw
"Things wont always go right in this life, theres always changes, we'll make it thats why i gotta do the best that I can That's me and my best friends song.
Sinner-Drowning Pool
You look at me, but you dont see understand I'm a sinner. Don't corner me, don't lecture me, raise your hands your a sinner
Scars-Papa Roach
"My weekness is that I care too much

Make us laugh:
What is the one thing you miss from your childhood more than anything?: my grandpa
What makes you a radical beauty?: I'm honest, I'm not skinny as a rail but that dosent stop me from having fun

What do you think about the mod?: She's in other communities with me, she's amazingly pretty and sweet.
Promote in at least 3 different places: info. pe0ple_wh0_r0ck and a promo community
How did you find us?? If someone one invited you put thare user name.: the MOD
Do you have friends? Post pics of them.:

Put at least 3 pictures of yourself:

For more pictures: http://www.myspace.com/nothingsublime
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