last kiss: um.
last cigarette: 3 or 4 days ago.
last good cry: 2 or 3 weeks ago.
last library book checked out: sociology of science by robert merton
last movie seen in a theatre: i <3 huckabees
last cuss word uttered: crap. i think?
last beverage drank: gatorade.
last food consumed: peanut butter and banana sandwich. mmm.
last phone call: lashunda. that girl cracks me up.
last tv show watched: pimp my ride. X TO THA Z.
last shoes worn: flip flops...even though its freezing outside.
last cd played: a radio with guts "beat heart sweet stereo"
last item bought: this awesome "backwoods" trail mix. it looks like birdseed, but tastes awesome.
last thing downloaded: some really awful song on purevolume.
last annoyance: not being able to move like a normal person because im so sore.
last disappointment: haha. oh. well... hm. ill just leave that one blank.
last soda drank: i think pepsi?
last ice cream eaten: peanut butter ice cream. (if you cant tell, i realllly like pb.. maybe bit too much?)
last time trippin on drugs?: ive never "tripped" on drugs.
last time in love: seems like a long time ago.
last time hugged: friday.
last shirt worn: blue roxy sweater, old skooooooooool. i ahvent done laundry in awhile.
last time dancing: probably last wednesday when i was trying to learn how to step with the black fraternities. hahaha
1 MINUTE AGO: my roommate came back in from being at home for the weekend.
1 HOUR AGO: studying for my biology lab practical.
1 DAY AGO: i went to emory for a lacrosse tournament.
1. What do you most like about your body? my tattoos.
2. And least? um, a lot. mainly the badonkadonk.
3. How many fillings do you have? 3?
4. Do you think you're good looking? not really.
5. Do other people tell you that you're good looking? a few.
First job: kingwood athletic club.
first screen name: hmmmm aloha4966? i think...haha either way, it was something stupid like that.
First funeral: my papa.
First pet: harvey, a cocker spaniel.
First piercing: ears.
First Kiss: 2nd grade. my neighbor.
First one that mattered: 6th grade. glenn parker.
First Lust: haha ummm maybe 8th grade? i was totallllly infatuated with this guy who i had never even talked to.
First love: john baldwin.
First enemy: raj. back in elementary school, his gang and my gang would battle on the play ground. i would kick him in the nuts all the time, and now i feel kinda bad about it. kinda.
this weekend was excellent.
the team won 3 out of 6 games, and we should have won another 2, but they were at the end when we were all exhausted. i played like crap at center... i didnt do the draw well, and i overthrew a lot of shots. the only good thing i did was make a goal, and fall dramatically when the goalie from one of the teams tripped me. i thought it was pretty sweet. there was considerably less bitching in our games than i thought there was going to be... i guess thats yet another difference between highschool and college lacrosse. i like it better that way. yep.
so my lungs almost collapsed, but i faired well in the end. im definitely going to get in shape before our season begins because i am soooooooooooo sore. its really pathetic.
but our first homegame is march 5 against mark your calendars. hah.