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Oct 26, 2004 00:39

debate night 2k4 was nothing short of entertaining.
i loveddddd it.

lashunda and i sat right in back of a row full of angry black girls who talked a lot of shit rather loudy to the republicans. it was obnoxious, and i loved every second of it. i seriously thought that there was going to be a freaking riot in the ballroom, everyone was so passionate... i guess it does disprove every older person tat says our generation is ntohing but apathetic towards politics. its awesome seeing so many people concerned with whats going on, even though half of the are DEAD wrong, heh. :)

tonight also proved to me further that a lot of what republicans hold as their main points are merely based on some sort of manipulation or scare tactic. laura steele ( i think thats her name ) made me so angry i couldnt think straight. she basically said that the only way bush supports women is by loving his wife and daughters. uh, and an utter diregard for any other womens rights issues????? jesus, i wanted to explode. when she adressed the issue of abortion, she answered with "uh, abortion is murder." (say that in your head in the most condescending and snotty tone possible). nevertheless, lashunda, carlos, and i had a damn good time. im definitely planning on writing a letter about ms. steele's awful representation of her view on bush's "w for women" bullshit propaganda. i just cant see how people can actually identify and ACCEPT the stream of crap that comes from some people. sigh, it makes me sad.

the debate has been my favorite auburn moment, by far. muhahahahaha.
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