Quagmeyer 4.0;

Sep 26, 2010 23:38

Hugh: Oh god, everybody hates me!
Uh, Hugh, you are the heir, baby.

Hugh: Well in that case, I would like to thank my dad and, uh, dad. I'd like to thank. . .
Moving on, Hugh needs to start the hunt for a spouse!

Hugh: Think of how many people have jumped from this very window due to how bored they were here :[

The Spa gives us Delilah {c/o prettypalisades} and Dahlia Zbornak {c/o stakeit_uk}, neither of which seem to strike Hugh's fancy. Perhaps he has the same picky gene as his uncle?

Moving on, Hugh runs into Shaun at the Bookstore and starts gossiping about Dahlia. He only spoke a single word to the poor gal.

Hugh: Oi, bartender! This mission of mine requires a lot of alcohol, good sir! Keep 'em coming!

1 Hour Later. . .
Hugh: And how are you doing? ;D

Hugh: That man is repulsive! *gags* Do you smell that cologne wafting off of him!?
Okay, so Fernando can't even sway our heir, what is the deal here?

Inside of the coffee shop, Hugh gets to meet his Aunt Norah for the very first time.

Hugh: All I want is some love and your ugly mug is cockblocking me to Tuesday! >|
Fernando: What?

Hugh continues to show his sparkling personality before I finally just send his arse home for a nap to melt away the crankiness.

To lure the walkbys past the Quagmeyer abode, Hugh turns up the volume on his guitar and uses a specialized mating call.

And lo and behold, it works! Did I not mention that Hugh was into the men? Well *ahem* Lex Mosher-Andrews {c/o kingmike1224} would be the one he was into.

Hugh: I spy a lovely specimen over yonder!

Hugh: You could benefit from a boyfriend like me, y'know ;]
Lex: How so?

Hugh: When we're old and feeble, no longer able to work, and can't remember our own names. The ghosts can help us run a haunted house to keep to bring in funds for our hearing aids and false teeth!

Lex: What kind of pick up line is that!? >|
Hugh: A b-bad one? *whimpers*

Nothing a good ole pillow fight can't cure!

Malcom: Do you think this is the red light district, son?! Bring your gorgeous new friend into the house why don't you? ;]

Malcom: My name is Malcom. How are you doing? ;]
Hugh: *thrusts hips to lure Lex back*

Hugh: So what do you do?~
Lex: I'm a doctor.
Malcom: Oh god! Why couldn't I have found McDreamy out on my front lawn?

Lex: Does this mean we're best friends now? :D
Hugh: Naturally.

Hugh: Do you hear that!?

Nothing like having a bedroom right next to your aunt and uncle.

Speaking of, Francoise & Fern were moved out since none of their children made heir.

Hugh: I'll call you when we need to get married and have children! :D

Time to get Hugh knocked up by aliens!

Hugh: Hellllloooo~

Hugh: Is that light really necessary? I would just like to request some baby making juices, thank you.

Hugh: Can't I just pay you and you drop it down!? OH GOD, DON'T TAKE ME!

Hugh: I'll see you later, cutie ;D

And if you saw my plea for help, you shall know that my aliens aren't knocking up any of my sims. They are apparently being quite stingy with their babies.

But that's okay, we have Lex here to provide us with generation 5 :]

Marc: I think I had too many Olive Garden bread sticks :[ I didn't know bread made you fat.

Lex has discovered the wonder that is Marc exercising.

Lex: *approves*

Lex: *approves from another angle*

Lex: Oh yeah, baby!
Hugh: Hey Lex, darling, what's an eight letter word for. . . *hurk*

Hugh: Damn, it's pregnant ;____;


!quagmeyer, generation: four

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