Previously Darin made a return to the living and Mia married her equally crazy fiance, Jade, just in time to pop out twins, Ally Lynn & Leon.
Laila: He died once, maybe he could die again. Or maybe I shall slip some sleeping pills into one of their drinks and whoever doesn't drink it I shall kidnap!
Guess whose expecting more babies? :D I was going to stop at just the two, since it's the last generation; however, with Jade's genes, I couldn't pass up having more!
Mia: Yep, just feeding the baby. Not my fault all of these men just happen to be flocking around me at this exact moment.
Laila, why are you even plotting the demise of Darin when you have Judah keeping you warm at night?
He even gives you back massages when you smell like the underside of a pig! How romantic and caring!
I give up!
Laila: That piece of artwork is just absolutely . . . *drools a little* glorious!
Voyeurism? Yeah, not a real turn on for this couple. Sorry, Laila, better luck next time or not.
Jade: Why is that bowl emitting green fumes?
You are quite lucky that your bowl isn't doing the same thing, mister.
Oh! Here is Mia's middle aged makeover. She hasn't quite hit that stage in her life, but I thought this look worked for her.
Even though I'll have to change her everyday wear due to pregnancy. Bummer.
Oh, culprit identified.
Mia: I smell. He smells. When did we suddenly become the couple with the most fail in this house?
The level of awkward in this shot is astounding. Where are your wives, boys?
Darin: This tiki torch is highly offensive! Ugh!
The party torches are for your great-great-great - oh whatever - grandchildren's birthday party. Deal with them!
I knew Leon was going to be a cutie ;__; why must I be so attached to the male contenders for heir?
I like to imagine that Darin said something inappropriate, that of which Ally Lynn and Judah do not approve.
Such luscious lips for one so young!
As the only member of the house that I make sure never has any need decay, Kameron gets the job of toddler rearing. Fun!
Pop numero doux!
Jade has reverted back to his inner child and frolics about on his days off.
Of course, other activities in the house are still widely popular with everyone.
Birth, take #320.
I had clicked 'random' the first time and ended up with four babies. Which pushed the household well over the limit I am comfortable with. So, instead, I opted for twins.
The blondes were rather popular during the birth of the twins *sigh*
We have Sienna + Haley, twin girls, both with red hair. I can't remember exactly which is which, so here they are together!
Everyone else - well, they had more important things to take care of then witnessing the birth of more O'Brien's.
Inner child, man, inner child.
Oh creator of ugly offspring! Why must your genes look so promising yet result in disasters?!
D'aww! Sometimes I wish I actually had siblings that hated each other more. It was so much easier prior to the toddler table. Maybe I should do an ISBI just to have that happen again.
Mia: We can't start until my husband gets here, guys! Hold your horses babies steady!
Sienna, the only blond, alien eyed child.
Haley, the only child with human eyes.
Ally Lynn, the one with the strongest running for heir.
Leon, the boy who will be trying to take away Ally Lynn's title.