Previously I left everyone with a birth cliffhanger and then ran into real life drama where I left you all hanging for almost a week!
Welcome Mia O'Brien, another blond, pink eyed girl!
Then we have her identical twin brother, Logan O'Brien! Because of his genitalia, I am already ruling him out of heir running right now. No matter how adorable he turns out, I am going with a girl this generation, got it?
Zachary helping me foreshadow events to come later in this update.
Hello, Juniper! How nice of you to drop in and grace us all with your presence :D
Judah is not foreshadowing anything with his cuteness. I just enjoy having my heirs and their spouses having romantic pictures taken for their bedroom :3
Finn: Honey? When you get up could you get me some water, please? And you should really join me in the hot tub - it's nice and warm!
Illusion: Do you ever get the feeling that we're being set up for something major?
Zachary: Like what?
Illusion: I don't know, but kiss me dammit!
Illusion: Guess I'm first, eh? See you in heaven, dear!
Zachary: Heaven? What are you talking about? And when did we get exercise equipment in our room? Is it some sort of hint that we're getting flabby?
Zachary: Oh, hello! When did you get in here?
Au revoir, Zachary + Illusion! You were both rather batty even in to old age!
Sadness, remorse, tears . . .
and cheers of utter glee?!
That makes one person not unhappy with the recent deaths, I suppose.
I missed the morning sickness. . .
but I figure this shall be proof enough of alien impregnation!
Judah: When they say Rice Krispies snap, crackle, and pop, they weren't kidding!
Judah became quite the attentive father right after learning he was going to become a mother - not that he wasn't a good father before, he just seemed to take a keener interest in their needs!
He was also learning the pains of pregnancy, much to the glee of Laila.
Laila: Just sleep it off, honey! It'll pass.
I apologize now in the middle of this update about the frequency of birthdays. I am rather eager to get generation 10 and have already pegged who shall be heir at this point ;3
Logan + Mia pre-makeover, basking in their confetti filled glow!
I imagine Logan to be the little surfer child, with his blond locks and tan skin.
While Mia is more lady like and the one likely to be enrolled in ballet lessons!
And then here is little Aimee, sporting the only age group that this hair actually works on ~♥
I would like to say a formal apology to Laila, because her husband is just as idiotic as she was while pregnant :[
Butler: Yes! More young, delicious children *pedo-smirk*
Hide your babies, Judah! That Butler's sinister smirk has me quivering in fear already. I already have to keep him off of your three, adorable blond children. Now the alien spawn, too? D:
& Luna!
I see someone on the ground has already joined the anti-Kameron petition :|
Finn: Do you think Dr. Horrible would approve of my attire? :]
Nothing out of the normal here. Nope, nothing at all!
Ah, there is the real normalcy! :D
Aimee: Is that the social worker I see out there? :D I hope she has come to bring me food and shelter~
Who needs food and shelter when you could have the most amazing babysitter on the face of the planet?!
I have a total soft spot for Aimee and her adorable faces of adorable :3
Here's a wee bit of fan service before I begin with the birthdays again.
Because there is a whole load of 'em this time around! Five to be exact.
Mia + Logan
Aimee: I'm in hell. Please someone get me out of this romper room :]
And don't forget to check out the
spare update and download the spare kids!