Feb 25, 2009 19:43

Just a reminder: Isaiah is, in fact, very pregnant.

And Kameron is still alive and swoon worthy to every sim!being on the sim!planet.

Phoenix: Don't mind me, I'll just watch! :] *creeps*

I then realized that Phoenix & Isaiah aren't even engaged :O
[Hi! I'm pixelly!]

Aww, they don't jump on the other when one is pregnant! I didn't know that!
[Hi! I'm pixelly, too!]

Isaiah: You are so hot! :D
Lindsay & Jaiden: Mmmmmm ~♥

The cute - IT BLINDS! :D

radiationpoison: What happened!? :O
Lindsay: One second we were making out, the next thing I know he is crying like a baby :]
radiationpoison: And why are you smiling?
Lindsay: I don't know! :]

[I don't know why some of this are so pixelly D:]
Look at the look of pure joy on Isaiah's face! It must feel good being out of the red!

Oh wait, there's our boy!

Isaiah: Can you not see that this counter is in my goddamn way!? >[

Isaiah: I just want to eat the salad! D:

Jaiden: What has become of my life?! D:
Phoenix: Baby? You okay? D:
Isaiah: *snore*

Isaiah: My fiance is so funny! :D

Sorry, Blondie, that fish has already been snagged . . .

And been given a makeover, along with her catcher!
It's a bit tame for both of them, but their nearing their grey years [finally!] and needed a new look.

I think I'm in love with these hairs ~♥


Lindsay still hasn't let her love stalking end; Kameron is her other man in her mind.


I love how Isaiah is just casually taking a shower, while these two pull each other's hair and slap each other like the girls they really are.

And poor Weldon & Jaiden are left to wait for their lover to give them the time of day night.

Weldon finally managed to slip in to lay some wet ones on Kameron's arm ~ I've gotta admit, the old guy still knows how to make Kam swoon.

Lindsay's new makeover gets an A plus plus! :DD She looks so prettty~

radiationpoison: FEED YOURSELF >[

And stop critiquing everything surrounding Kameron!

I had to. This outfit just screamed his name with passion!

If he doesn't go into aspiration failure by the time the bun(s) in his oven are children, then I'll be really surprised.

Stay at home mother, he is not.
"Honey! Your poptarts are ready! Don't worry, they're just blackened!"

Heir portrait #5 done! :D

Isaiah: Should I save some of these for anyone else!?
radiationpoison: Don't worry about it, bb, no one else will be touching those.

He managed to eat 3 before he passed out ;___;

Weldon: Mon Cheri! ~♥
Kameron: Be with you in a moment to kick your ass, sweetheart! ;]


I feel like I've been neglecting Jaiden, but he's always either weeping or stalking Lindsay D:

Who, by the way, now comes home in a helicopter instead of Weldon's clunker car.

Lindsay: Yeah? So what of it *smirk*

I can just hear Tyra now "That's FIERCE, darlings!"

When Weldon dies, I'm going to fear who Kameron clings to afterwards D:

Look who's back, back again~
She decided to christen the rebirth of my game by dying 100x again! :D

;___; Ew.

Get ready to enjoy a full ghost assault through the rest of this update!

Because the ghosts have a vendetta for some reason _ _;;

Phoenix: :O
I really need to put these ghosts on an island or another lot D:

Phoenix agrees.

Chloe: >[
Jaiden: I'll go to my bed now D:

Kameon, please refrain from killing our sperm donor, thanks.

I don't think the ghosts have ever wanted revenge this badly D:

I am being very good and not spamming you all with more Apartment Life spam, I really am! :D

♥ ♥ ♥

How embarassing, having the same pj's as your grandfather.

And then going into labor in those same, tacky pj's.

Where is the daddy to be, you ask?

He's witnessing the birth from a floor down, of course!

First one up is Zoey, a baby girl!


Lindsay: *boogies* It was clearly my genes!
radiationpoison: Or, y'know, Phoenix's, but whatever.

And then we have Zachary, a baby boy with . . . black hair D:


!o'brien, generation: six

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