With all the thinking and planning going into (hopefully) starting a new business next year, I've been really considering the use and reuse of objects, food, etc. It feels right to incorporate my art and my homelife and my business along the same ideas.
Don't be making any comments about Grateful Dead bootlegs, I still listen to industrial music.
Anyways, I really like the way I choose to spend just a little extra time doing things that make a big impact on the kind of life I live and the way in which I impact the Earth. I like taking more of a much more involved approach to living on the Earth. The thing is, all this stuff is freakin' easy.
-worm composting - all kitchen scraps, and then using the castings as plant fertilizer
-big compost bins outside for all yard wastes, and kitchen scrap overflow in summer
-growing organic vegetables
-ducks! the ducks will eat bugs in the garden, and their wastes (mixed with straw) composted
-fuck plastic. bringing my own bags to the store is easy
-on that vein, choosing where to shop and buying things with as little packaging as possible is critically important.