Jul 02, 2005 19:10
I made the first part of this list in November, I think. 67-100 is recently updated. I did this because I'm weird (in a good way) and because it helps me gather my thoughts, which is helpful when I'm writing.
1. When I was around 12/13/14, I could talk myself out of liking any guy by naming everything wrong with them. I can no longer do that.
2. I cannot cry out of my left eye.
3. When I was younger, I couldn't snap my fingers and it bothered me so much that I practiced for years. I can now snap them, just not very loudly.
4. I'm not really a jealous person.
5. I can be the biggest bitch if given the oppurtunity.
6. No matter what, if I am dancing, I am happy. I can dance anytime, anywhere, listening to anything.
7. I have wanted to be one thing my entire life. Since I was 4, to be exact. It is not a writer; that is second. I will never be this thing because I am not good enough. I have only told one person what this ambition is, and I have only met this person once.
8. I would do absolutely anything for my friends. I am very selfless when it comes to them.
9. When my dad told me that he had cancer, I didn't realize just how big of a deal it was until I had cancer. I can remember looking at him not knowing what to say, or even how to feel.
10. I had my first sip of alcohol in my friend's basment in 8th grade. Since then, I've drank probably less than ten times. It still doesn't mean anything to me.
11. There was a week in 6th grade that every single one of my "friends" was mad at me for reasons that were based on lies. I've never fully recovered.
12. I was never mad at God, or anyone for giving me cancer. I never thought "Why me?" because I truly believe that everything happens for a reason.
13. Some of my favorite memories are from 8th grade, even though I claim I hated that year.
14. Right now, I have at least 6 friends whom of which I know I will be friends with for the rest of my life.
15. I hold grudges, even though I try not to.
16. I remember pretty much everything, especially conversations.
17. I've never been in love, but I've loved someone.
18. I already know that I am more like my parents than I ever thought or hoped to be possible. And maybe it isn't so bad afterall.
19. I like who I am and what I stand for. But I don't always like what happens to me, or what goes on around me.
20. My worst nightmare has come true in some sense.
21. I love to write. When everything's quiet or I'm not really thinking about anything, I write stories or exaggerated autobiographies in my head.
22. I truly believe that I would legitamately die without music.
23. In 3rd or 4th grade, each person in the grade had to write an essay about the importance of music and what it means to his or her life. I won.
24. I don't really like to wear any socks other than white ones.
25. I have ridiculous OCD habits. I've developed two more since I've been at school. It drives me insane that I abide by them, but it's even worse when I don't.
26. Some part of me doesn't really believe in love, even though I know I've felt it.
27. I believe in God whole-heartedly, and the Catholic religion, but I do not like going to church at all.
28. If they never found my tumor, I probably wouldn't be alive right now.
29. I think about death a lot.
30. I question everything and analyze everything.
31. I love my dog more than anything. If she could talk, she could probably tell you everything about me; things I'd never tell anyone.
32. I think I could eat Friendly's chicken fingers and fries everyday for the rest of my life without complaint. And I've seen them being made.
33. Money doesn't matter all that much to me.
34. If I were rich, or suddenly gained a large sum of money, the first thing I would do would be to buy my parents a house on the beach.
35. Danielle Lynn DeOssie is my best friend. She is the only person on this earth who can actually turn my emotions around completely. Being around her is like a de-stresser.
36. Choosing to go to Hofstra was probably the only decision I've ever made solely for myself. And one of the best.
37. Somedays I walk through campus and it never ceases to amaze me that I am living in New York, over 200 miles away from my parents, rooming with 2 people who were strangers to me just two months ago.
38. I love the Spanish language. I wish I could magically speak it fluently.
39. I want to travel the world, regardless of money.
40. For a long time, I was bad at choosing friends.
41. 5th and 6th grade were harder for me than having cancer in 8th, emotionally and psychologically.
42. Having cancer gave me a greater appreciation for life.
43. I have very high expectations of others. And myself.
44. Dancing around in my room to techno or pop is pure enjoyment.
45. I want to know how it feels to be in love.
46. My brother is one of the most respectable people I've ever met. I'm not sure why, but I've always thought very highly of him.
47. I've always complained about football Sundays at my house, or any night my parents decide to have company, but a small part of me misses it, even if they do keep me up at night with their music, drunkeness, and bickering over card games.
48. I burp a lot, and laugh about it. And I sing/make noises, purposely waiting for someone to tell me to shut up.
49. I complain about a lot of things, mostly to make me feel better. However, I hate when others complain about things that they have no control over.
50. No matter how much I complain, I am probably the happiest I've ever been in my life. But I don't really believe in true happiness.
51. I am ridiculously stubborn.
52. I love the number 6. I set my alarm clock by 6's and 2's because 2 is an even multiple of 6, and I like the number. Therefore, I will either set it for 9:52 or 9:56, never 9:50 or 9:55. I think that's an OCD habit.
53. I don't like crying in front of others. I never did for a long time. Now I realize that it's okay.
54. My first favorite song was "Let's Talk About Sex" by Salt 'n Pepper. Needless to say, I didn't know what it meant then, or else I wouldn't have paraded around my cousin's house singing and dancing to it.
55. I will forever love playing flashlight tag. I still tell the story about how I army crawled across my entire lawn without Jenn ever flashing her light on me, or even knowing I was doing it. Playing outside with the Mitchell Street gang will go down in history as some of the best days of my life.
56. Losing a chunk of my hair due to radiation was the worst day of my life because cancer seemed so real that day.
57. My emotions toward my mother can go from one extreme to another in minutes. That's the only person that happens to.
58. I didn't cry at graduation. I sort of wanted to.
59. Last summer was probably the best summer of my life, next to the summer before 7th grade when Colleen was here, even though I'm not sure if I like that summer so much because looking back on it now, it has so many funny memories, or because it was generally a great summer.
60. I've seen a ghost. I'm not lying.
61. I don't generally like songs without words, but Sandstorm is probably one of the greatest songs I've ever heard.
62. I like to go camping, even though my last camping experience was probably the worst experience of my life.
63. I was never afraid of the dark, or boogie monsters or things like that. I was always afraid of my house burning down, or a burglar coming into my house to kill me. Everything I was afraid of was always something imaginable.
64. I'd rather talk to a guy than a girl. They're much easier to talk to, even though girls are far better listeners.
65. I love Dawson's Creek. I didn't start watching it until after it was cancelled, but I've now seen every episode at least once. I can relate most of my life lessons to lessons in the show. I want Pacey and Joey's relationship.
66. I love to sing and dance and just listen to music more than I hate cheese. Which is a lot.
67. I sleep with the remote to my stereo in my bed every single night, even if I’m positive that I’m not going to fall asleep listening to music, which I hardly ever do anymore.
68. The last time I had hair that was more than an inch past my shoulders was in 8th grade. I chopped it off on New Year’s Eve (‘99-‘00). I came home and cried because it was too short. Now I can’t even imagine having long hair.
69. My 4th grade teacher was the first person to tell me that I should pursue writing. That day, I went home and started my first book. Since then, I’ve started many others. I’ve never finished any of them. I write poems frequently because I actually have the patience to finish them, but I’m much better at writing stories.
70. The first time I saw my favorite movie, My Best Friend’s Wedding, I absolutely hated it because it didn’t end happily. Now I love it for that very same reason.
71. I’m not really a huge fan of going to the beach during the day; at least, not for more than an hour or two. But I absolutely love going at night.
72. I’m extremely honest. I expect the same from others. I’d rather someone hurt my feelings by telling me the truth than lie for fear of hurting me.
73. I set my alarm clock everyday, regardless of whether or not I have anything to do, or anywhere to go.
74. I am secretly anal about the number of hours of sleep I get. I don’t like to get less than 8 or more than 9.
75. I’ve carried a hairbrush around with me since the 5th grade. It used to be habit, now I feel almost lost without it, even if I don’t need it.
76. My first kiss was completely brutal. The boy I kissed liked me more than anyone ever has and I sort of used him because I was 15 and wanted to get my first kiss over with.
77. I’m scared of having kids. Not because I’m afraid of going through labor, rather because I’m afraid of raising kids that turn into what I’ve avoiding being all of my life.
78. I love when it rains during the summer, just before sunset.
79. I wear a lot of rings. Six, to be exact. Guys always feel the need to point that out to me. One of the first guys to ever point it out was an extremely random crush that lasted far too long in my opinion. He was the only guy I’ve ever liked that I haven’t actually shared my feelings with. I didn’t really tell many of my friends, either. He was a successful crush for that reason.
80. In 5th grade, I was walking to the store with my friend and she and I made a comment about how we couldn’t imagine growing up/living in any other town but Randolph. I make comments a lot about my town being ghetto, when it fact, the actual town isn’t ghetto, it’s more like the majority of the people. I do, however, appreciate this town and have grown to love it in a weird way.
81. I love doing handstands in pools.
82. Whenever I smell fresh cut grass, I miss playing soccer more than I miss anything on this earth.
83. I absolutely hate leaving messages on people’s voicemails. However, I always end up leaving long messages where I ramble. I will not leave messages on home answering machines.
84. Though I believe that all of my friends were given to me for a reason, Nicole is the only friend that I met through chance and circumstance, and without her, I know my life would be much, much different right now. Therefore, I know that it wasn’t really chance, more like fate.
85. I discriminate against blondes and football players. I always have. However, the guy I've liked most in my life played football in high school. And the only boy I’ve ever initiated a kiss with is blonde.
87. I collect quotes and postcards.
88. “Secret Garden” by Bruce Springsteen is pretty much my favorite song of all time.
89. I’ve decided that people are capable of loving with their whole heart for as long as possible, but two people are not capable of staying “in love” for more than a short while. However, I would love it if two people proved me wrong. And I’m watching two people in particular, hoping and waiting for them to do so.
90. I love vegetables, especially broccoli and corn on the cob.
91. Believe it or not, I do wish I wasn’t such a picky eater.
92. I like when I can be stupid in front of others. It means that I’m completely comfortable with them. If you’ve seen me dance to Sandstorm, I’m comfortable with you.
93. I’m a hard person to get to know. It used to be because I wasn’t very trusting and open; now it’s because I’ve gotten too complicated.
94. I probably know more about any given person from studying and observing them, rather than what they’ve told me.
95. I want to live in a lot of different places for short periods of time.
96. I will never get a tattoo (other than the 4 dots I already have from where they had to aim the radiation beam). I want my tongue pierced, but I know that I will never get it done.
97. I am going to take my father sky diving next summer. I was going to try to do it this summer, but I don’t have enough money.
98. I will not go outside in public with visible feet if my toenails aren’t painted.
99. I really do have a complete and utter obsession with new underwear.
100. I like dressing up. And having a reason to dress up.
101. I love acoustic songs. For the most part.
102. I don’t hate anyone. I don’t regret anything. I never will.