4th WALL BREAKING: Go for it. Whether he believes you...
THREADJACKING: More people -> more confused Duke. Its fun, go for it.
BACK THREADING: Yes! Go for it!
MIND READING: Lemme know? Anything that's in the post is game.
LOCATION SENSING: Doesn't sound like a problem to me.
TELEPATHY: I'm good with it, Duke is less so.
SPECIAL/MAGICAL ITEMS: No problems here.
FIGHTING CAPABILITIES: Duke is a Final Boss, he can handle himself in a physical, or magical, fight. His Physical attack and defense are higher than his magic attack and defense, but in his fights he uses magic to make the physical attacks happen, and has a nice
arte list. He's just as good without using his magic, so it's a bit of a risk to fight him in any case.
INJURY/DEATH: Let's talk it over, shall we? Duke is fairly sturdy. I'm all for injuring him, though.
WIN/LOSE/TIE: Talk about it?
MEDICAL/PHYSICAL INFO: I play him with some eyesight problems. He will be blinded for longer if someone shines something bright in his eyes, and he has some problems telling some colors apart, and fine details.
ROMANCE/RELATIONSHIPS: I'm open to them. Duke, on the other hand, will need a lot of persuading. Trust issues. He has so many trust issues.
SEXUAL RELATIONS: Duke is uninterested. If someone can manage to get him far enough in a relationship, he'll be.. shy about it.
PHYSICAL CONTACT: He'd rather not have any contact with anyone, ever. He won't violently reject contact, but he will react in an unappreciative way to it. Given enough time to get used to it, he'll be a lot calmer, and might even come to want it from time to time? He hasn't had human contact in some time.
ANY TRIGGERS/SECRETS/FACTS YOU WANT PEOPLE TO KNOW ABOUT: .. If he likes you, don't bleed on him. He'll have a small freak out. If you threaten someone he likes, expect bad things to happen. Do not insult, or touch Elucifur's Apatheia.