My Weekend (...And Other Pointless Stuff)

Oct 29, 2006 23:27

I have spent this entire weekend being extremely sick with the cold/cough I caught from my little nephew when he was here a week ago. By Friday, I thought that I had seen the worst of it, but boy, was I wrong. Saturday I was about a 12+1/2 on a misery meter of 1-10. My intention was to sleep through as much of the weekend as possible, but I was unable to do so for at least half of it. My baby nephew stayed the night on Friday & the two of us stayed up until 3:30 in the morning reading books & coloring. How a three year old can manage the energy to stay up that late is beyond me. lol. :) Saturday we went to the park(big fun when you are feeling fevered & stuffy), to McDonald's(ewww) & shopping for toys. I was nearly ready to collapse by the time I took him home on Saturday evening. I spent that evening watching movies & then passed out in a Nyquil-induced coma.

Being that I was feeling so sick, Turkishfest was completely out of the question, which I imagined I would be more disappointed about than I actually was. As it turns out, I couldn't muster the energy to feel disappointed. Ha. The original plan was to meet my friend Myra(along with her boyfriend & his two little girls) at the festival on Saturday, but she had to cancel late in the week due to the girls' softball games. I didn't check e-mail or voicemails til late this afternoon, but it turns out that she was available to go after all. It's too bad I got the message late. But even had I gotten it in time, I doubt I would have been feeling well enough to drag my sickly ass downtown & spend the day consuming Turkish beer, wine & baklava in the blistering Texas sun. Seeing the bellydancers would have been a real treat. But, I guess there's always next year. Oh! I mentioned bellydancing to Myra & it turns out that she took a class once(years ago), but has been thinking of getting back into it.  She might even be interested in taking a class with me at Zahira's Belly Dance Studios. (This is the studio that I recently found & prefer to The Spanish Institute of Dance, which I had previously mentioned.) Zahira's offers classes(beginner thru advanced) as well as private instruction. They also have an instructor who teaches a Tribal Fusion class. Next year I will definitely be signing up for a class(or two). I am so excited! :) Unfortunately, I haven't been feeling well enough to get back into my own bellydancing this weekend. I hate it when I my body puts limitations on what I can and cannot do. I will be so glad when this bug finally passes & I am free to carry on with my workouts.

I spent today sleeping & watching figure skating on t.v. Skate America, the second event of the season, was being aired today. I have been eagerly awaiting the start of the new season for the last six months, yet I somehow managed to miss the first official event of the season, which took place earlier this month. So of course today, I had to catch up on this season's happenings. It's still so early in the season that everyone is still working out all the kinks in their new programs & things are still a little shaky, but I enjoyed watching. I can't wait for Skate Canada, when some of the bigger names will be making their season debut. It's a shame that I will be missing out on this year's Stars On Ice show(despite having put in a pre-order a year in advance for a pair of on-ice seats). This is the second time I've been screwed out of seeing the show because they later made the decision to cancel my city's stop on the tour. I got next year's order form in the mail a few weeks back, but I am not even going to attempt this mess again. Fuck you, Scott Hamilton. :|

November is approaching much faster than I would like & I have yet to choose which meatless delight I will be enjoying this Thanksgiving in place of turkey. I am going to have to make a decision very soon, being that I may end up having to place an order online or through a local health food store, but I am still so apprehensive. I have it narrowed down to a choice between three products: Tofurky(which is by far the most popular, but of which I heard reports on taste ranging from 'old socks' to 't.v. dinner turkey')  Celebration Roast(which I've heard is good & considerably cheaper than the $20-30 Tofurky[and mind you, this will be for one, being that I am the only vegetarian in my family]) or UnTurkey(which I have heard tastes the most like real turkey & is much better than Tofurky). So, which would you choose? Anyone have any personal experience with any of these products? Any success/horror stories to share? Should I just run screaming in horror now??? lol.
I picked a box of Morningstarfarms Sausage Patties, which came highly recommended by the lovely Kate. I heart her & I trust her, so I am really looking forward to these! I have yet to try them, but I will be sure to give a full report on them once I have. (lol.) Btw,- Boca's sausage links may have been better than I quickly wrote them off as. My meat-loving teenaged nephew had some while he was here last weekend & proclaimed them as 'pretty good'. I should have fed him the entire box. :P

p.s. Please take the Meatless Treats poll in my next entry! ;)

recovery, thanksgiving, meatless meat, family, weekend, bellydance

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