Jan 19, 2008 22:35
My body has been acting so strangely ever since I got pregnant and then miscarried. I know it probably take some time before I get back to normal, but it's starting to get irritating. Most noticeably, I'm so tired that I fall asleep on a wink and sleep a lot. I have painful zits that keep erupting on my face and now I've got this strange oval rash on both forearms that is driving me CRAZY. I went to bed at 7:30 tonight (partly by accident hehe) and I'm up again trying to find out what Dr. Google has to say about this crazy rash. :/ I also have had a clogged duc like 3 times since it happened and shooting pains into my boobs. Doesn't this all sound weird? It's probably not connected, but I'm irritated all the same.
my health