This paradox I have in mind

Sep 12, 2010 15:45

Eric sent me this link and it made me feel warm and smile: I would say it is an accurate representation to how I tend to view the world. I wish it weren't true, but it seems better to acknowledge my fears than try and pretend they are not there.

There is so much that I want to write about that I might break this down into several entries so as not to bore the uninterested. Bear with me...

Dear Finn,

You and the dog LOVE each other.

Its pajama day and you relaxed and played an approved Xbox game with daddy. Dan seems to be thrilled with the cooler temperatures and the increased opportunities for cuddling. I continue to feel quite in love with you these days. We just had a lively session of legos and now you are out on an errand with daddy. I find you so pleasant to play with- you are so generous with your legos and so sensitive to your approach to fair play. I find myself seeking you out to play still rather than the other way around. Does this phase continue? It's quite touching.

This past week you tried out boys gymnastics and you are hooked. We went to Northshore Gymnastics in Woodinville where you did the 4-6 year old trampoline and tumbling class. There was a lot of listening, waiting turns and focused stretching and exercise. You loved it and asked when you can come back. I'm thrilled to have you engage with another activity that you love and am happy to bring you.

Recently we added targets to our toilets: I heard about the effectiveness of adding targets to men's bathrooms and urinals on NPR and was intrigued by the idea. I have stepped in enough pee lately to help inspire my boys to enjoy regular target practice.

I am continuing to add regular Spanish into my conversations with Finn and I'm pleased that he is noticing less and less. He simply understands and moves the conversation forward. He will repeat words back to me, but he doesn't speak to me in Spanish at all aside for asking for a "manzana". Nevertheless, I would be happy if he just understood any Spanish. I wish I would spoken Spanish to him from the beginning, but I was a bit caught up with the whole "post-partum-depression-colicky-child-working-part-time-mom-completely-losing-it" thing... it's my best excuse.

I love you!

potty training, gymnastics, daniel, 4 years old, anxiety

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