Jun 19, 2010 15:25
How do you summarize what feels like your life in the blender? I wonder what flavor we end up.
School is done for the quarter and I'm having that expected sense of shock, awe and some discomfort as I adjust to having more time and being less worried. The tension doesn't fade easily. This class was challenging in a different way and I don't feel that my teacher was as enlightening as I would have wanted, but in the end I can say that I do know a great deal more about abnormal psychology. I now need to take Theories of Personality... and I think that's it. Well, part of the problem is that each school has different requirements for pre-reqs and I want to make up my mind which of those schools I'm attending before I spend more money on pre-reqs. I then want to spend a great deal of time volunteering (probably a good year) and truly figure out what area of psychology and social work is my passion before moving forward.
This Summer, with Finn out of school, I won't be taking any classes and we all need me to take a break- perhaps the house most of all. There are weeds calling my name and the birds would like the feeders filled more regularly. Finn and I have been deciding which toys we are ready to part with and I've cleaned our closets of a great deal of clutter. It feels like the right time of year to purge.
Daniel, now recovered from a hook worm infection and an infected laceration in his paw, is doing much better. He has responded incredibly well to training and now accepts Eric and Finn as above him in the pack without a problem. He's quite fond of riding with us in the car, so sometimes he ends up in unexpected places... like the International District where we wandered about with the Anguilo family. I love when Sarah and I's schedules align and we can head out on an unexpected adventure. Finn tried bubble tea, inspected transformers from Asia and fish for sale that I question if they are legal.
The year has ended and our schedule is doing contortions as we figure out how to enjoy the slow tempo of the summer while still visiting playdate pals, going on adventures and, well, feeding mommy's addiction to endorphins and weight training. I like lazy days where Finn helps me change the sheets (by chucking them down the stairs and turning them into boats) and when we don't require a sense of time at the library. I do want to visit the Mukilteo lighthouse very soon and have some other summer trips planned. I question how Finn will do if these are mommy/Finn adventures versus inviting a friend. He has really enjoyed inviting friends along for adventures or joining with other families. He sighs and says he wants a friend and not "just mom", but then sometimes we go anyway and find ourselves really close and enjoying ourselves. Shall I call it the almost-4-dance?
Kelly left for another time zone for a month and I miss her already. We plan to set out on a girl's adventure to Portland this summer. This would be my first trip away from my family and I feel ready.
I'm looking forward to discovering the next few months. Our schedule and regular crowd has been stirred, blended and whirred. I'm ready for pudding.
summer 2010,
3 and a half years old,