Mar 17, 2009 20:26
Finn and I did a 48 piece puzzle today... 3 times and then he did it again with daddy. It's of the solar system and he just loves rockets, space ships, stars, galaxies... you get my drift.
Kelly and her clan walked by and knocked on our door near dinner-time. I like these casual run-arounds where the kids get some energy out and we get some adult conversation.
I was offered a released service dog, but turned him down after asking more questions and going with my gut. The dog sounds borderline hyper and like he will chew everything in the house... and swallow it. I'm willing to take on the responsability of a dog, but not one that I already know is going to be at doggy ER with a plastic satelite in his stomach. Also, he needs someone to RUN him. We all know here that surgically enhanced hips don't run. :)
So, they are looking for another more mellow dog for our family. We were on the waiting list for 1.5 years. Let's hope it doesn't take so long the next time around, but truth-be-told, I'm kinda comfortable with our routine right now and eager to start school in another week.
I woke up several times last night with night sweats. Ick. Got the flow today, so hopefully tonight will be better. My body is just not made to function well with hormone changes, so I must say the Yaz is still really an assett to reducing my symptoms of PMDD... do I sound like I'm on the commercial yet? ;)
31 months