Jan 15, 2009 21:28
I've been talking to Finn about the potty, showing him how I go potty and encouraging him to watch Eric potty. I put his potty out when I felt he might need to go soon, but then got distracted. A few minutes later, he announced that he had peed. I looked over and he was standing over his potty and had peed like Eric does standing up. Ha! So much for me trying to get Eric to sit while he's teaching Finn. Finn was SO proud of himself. We've also been reading tons of quite funny stories that we have found at the library for kids learning about the potty. FYI Polar bears don't use a potty. ;) I love my little man so much!
I gave notice at Finn's daycare today, so he will only be there another month. I'm going to hire a babysitter again for part of a day and use the Pro Club as needed/able. I know it will be a big change for us both, but the quality of his care has declined and I'm not satisfied. There have been too many random occurences of me discovering she is upstairs or outside. In other words, not monitoring the kids. :( He's been there for over six months and I've been very happy with it, so I'm disappointed in the decline I've seen in the last two. The final straw was his recent sprees of yelling "I hate you" and "I kill you" without knowing what they mean. There are some older kids that are saying things to Finn that he is repeating. By older I mean 4. :/ The thing that then comes to mind is: where is his caretaker while this stuff is happening and why is she not intervening?
Two more weeks until I'm finished with work. I don't know what next, but I'm hoping it comes to me.
I'm interviewing several different psychiatrists for new perspectives on medication management and diagnosis. It's an interesting process. Two more to go. I'm not sure anyone wants me to go on about this yet. I'm hoping for good results. My therapist stays the same.
child care,
potty training,
29 months,