Mar 28, 2008 21:04
Eric took the day off today so he could get some much needed alone time that we both agreed he needed. Finn and I went to the club in the morning. It's funny to me that I go to a mega-expensive Microsoft-subsidized club and I'm always wearing stained, torn or oddly shaped sweats and have my hair standing on end. I see tour groups coming through and they probably hate me for running Finn's cars back and forth on the squash court where all can see. I might even be called "Elevator lady" since we tour the elevator frequently. Finn's quick on the draw now to hit the alarm button, so we might have to put that activity to rest for a while.
Our afternoon play date with Jodie was cancelled due to Evie vomiting last night and then by unexpected midday snow?! WTF?! We were hanging around the house being lazy with Eric and playing on the couch when I realized that Finn and I really needed to leave in order to give Eric the space he needed. It's too tempting to cuddle up and do the family thing and not take space when it's available. So, I swooped Finn up and we went to the Children's Museum in Bellevue. I ran in with him in my arms, hoping to catch the last 30 minutes before close only to realize they were open until 8 on Fridays. We hung out and had a grand time. He liked dropping the balls into the water and making me fetch him a new pile so he could head them back down their automatic stream.
I thought it would be fun to end our play date with a stop at Target to look for some new Elmo music. He loves to ask me to play the "doo-doo-doo song again" and I can only hear that song so many more times before I'm going to go insane. Long story short, Finn had an atypical meltdown due to typical non-napping over wanting a particular Thomas train and ugly cheap plastic Thomas... I don't even know what to call it... "thing with doors?" I actually left Target, checked out and then stormed back in with my hysterical child and bought the stupid toy. We got it home and taken out of the packaging only for more melting down because the doors kept getting stuck. Ugh.
It's tough when a really nice afternoon with Finn empowers me with the divine taste of motherhood only to feel like we came in for a crash landing and he will never forgive me for forcing him into the bath to get off the poo bits and wash his hair. Ugh twice again.
So other than the meltdown from 6:15 until he was asleep, it was a fantastic day with Finn. Yesterday was also fun since Kaia and Tab have joined My Gym and we were able to meet up for free play. Finn is so intensely passionate about Kaia that it's cute and sorta odd.
I have an internship opportunity that I've been asked to come in and interview for. It's a 15 hour a week unpaid position working with homeless families in Everett. I really want to do it, but then I start considering the commute time and arranging childcare. The childcare would be expensive with nothing coming in to cover the cost, but it would only be three months. We could make it happen. This came about due to my peeking into ways of breathing life back into my career and considering the long-term possibility of a masters in social work.
Shwww. Sorry so long!
date night with finn,
19 months,