Mar 28, 2004 18:38
this weekend has been weird. lazy lazy day today. jamies last night was so much fun. i love chloe cause shes just too cool for school. and the fact that alison kept yelling out harriet for no reason just made me laugh. tried to fall asleep with a throbbing headache, it took a while and there was many interuptions but i fell asleep around 3. chloe hillary and i woke up at 7 and went to hillarys to pick jo and shane up. spent way too much time at 7-11. although it was sort of odd because i got hit on by a guy with no shirt, scratches and bruises all over him and what it looked to be a couple pink slips. so i gathered that he had been thrown in the drunk tank for fighting. thats just an observation. slept too much today and watch too many movies. got home around 830 and fell asleep watching home alone 3 becuase everything else on tv is basically the whole taped church thing. woke up around 130 and ate a bagel. watched some of sugar and spice then a bit of head over heels then fell back asleep. very predictable movies. then woke up about 7 and sorted my laundry and what not. the weather is not very motivating. and it sounds like a howling tornado outside my window. i went and stood in it for a total of 3 seconds cause i think i wouldve been blown away sort of like on mary poppins, when the nanny's blow away. haha and i still havent eaten dinner and im quite hungry.
not leaving until friday after school now for macrock. jo doesnt want to take off (?) cant understand why not but whatever not much i can do about it. blah
im trying to open my windows to get some fresh air but the wind is too crazy.
HIM is coming to the norva on may 15. im somewhat excited about that. ville valo's voice gets me every time. so im going to head to bed and try to sleep. crazy idea being that i slept all day. hah alright goodnight