Apr 13, 2005 14:29
Tiffany says that I have lost my muse and that is the reason why I haven't benn able to write lately. Perhaps I haven't lost my muse, I just haven't been able to focus on it due to all the distractions. THings seemed to be so bliss but the second I blinked and opened my eyed all I could see was fog. Once the fog came in I looked behind me. When I turned around to move forward it was the biggest sotrm of the century and I was overwhelmed with rain and thunder. As I tried to make it through the storm I kept falling, I was indulged with rain. So i just stayed there; stuck. The rain kept piling up and I began to drown. I tried to swim but my legs wouldn't move it was like my body was frozen. Unable to breathe I tried to grasp for air but nothing I could do would get me to the top. Something was pulling me down. At the last second of my struggle a kind hand reached out and pulled me out from drowning. I couldn't see the face but He was the one that saved my life.