
Nov 04, 2008 01:51

please do me proud, get Obama in the White House tomorrow.

I wasn't one of those who assumed just because he was black he deserved the title. I remember his win in 04 as a senator and I was very happy for him. The thought crossed my mind that perhaps he would run for presidency someday. I believe that day begins tomorrow. As I've watched this campaign, I have grown to like the man & his story. In the beginning most people(well people I talked/read) said he was qualified but America just wasn't ready and Hilary just might win the ticket. Look what he did, he proved them wrong. I almost accepted that judgment but soon to be President Obama proved them wrong and gave me a glint of hope. Just as I look on how he kept moving & pressing forward I can also see how it is possible for me to accomplish my dreams. This is the power of God's glory at action. As he works through Obama, we see that he can do the same through us!

Here is a cute quote my aunt shared with me while I was in LA:

Rosa sat, so Martin could walk…
Martin walked, so Obama could run…
Obama is running, so our children can FLY!


official endorsement :), obama, election 08

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