The Doctor Who Challenge

Dec 04, 2013 05:27

[cross-posted from my Facebook]

I took the time to write this up for Facebook, so I thought I'd post it here as well. I was going to spread it out day by day, as is How The Meme Works, but instead I'm just going to finish this out in one go, as I'm rubbish at these things otherwise. Yeah.

Some answers will have both classic and new series answers, not that I don't think of them as the same show, but just because it'll make it easier to chose (plus, it'll help new series fans on my flist who don't know the classic series very well).

My mind is always changing about this stuff, too. So, an hour from now I might have different answers, but oh well.


1. Favorite Doctor: Seven (though Eleven is nipping at his heels and depending on the day, I sort of interchange them as my favorite)

2. Favorite Companion: Martha Jones

3. Least Favorite Companion: Dodo? I don't know, she's really just meh for me. I guess, its probably Rose because she's one of the few that crosses over from meh into extreme dislike for me.

4. Favorite Villain: Rose? (Seriously, she nearly destroyed the multiverse just to be with the Doctor again! Scary co-dependance is scary!) No, but really, Omega. Definitely.

5. Least Favorite Villain: I really have extreme hate for the Slitheen (even if I love the character moments between Blon Fel-Fotch/Nine in 'Boom Town')

6. Favorite Special Episode: Classic Series - tie: 'Scream of the Shalka' and 'The Three Doctors' (Omega!); New Series: 'Day of the Doctor' (still giddy over that one!)

7: Favorite Season: Classic Series - S26 IS THE BEST EVAR!!1!1!!; New Series - tie: S3 (Martha!) and S5 (perfection!)

8. Saddest Moment: The Wilderness Years of no telly Who? Oh,wait, you mean ON THE SHOW, um...for the classic series, I'd say a tie between Zoe and Jamie getting their memories wiped and One leaving Susan behind. For the new series, when Ten comes back *after* Reinette's death (GODS, I SHIP THEM SO HARD!). ALL THE TEARS.

9. Funniest Moment: New series -- Ten trying to counteract the poison in 'Unicorn and the Wasp'. You've got to give it to Tennant. He really went all out during that scene! As for the classic series -- can I just say a majority of 'City of Death'? That or probably Four's early moments in 'Robot' with the poor bewildered Harry.

10. Favorite Quote: New series -- 'I can feel it, the turn of the earth. The ground beneath our feet is spinning at a thousand miles an hour. The entire planet is hurtling around the sun at sixty seven thousand miles an hour. And I can feel it. We're falling through space, you and me, clinging to the skin of this tiny little world. And, if we let go...That's who I am.' - Nine in 'Rose'. Classic series -- the words that ended the series: 'There are worlds out there where the sky is burning,and the sea's asleep, and the rivers dream; people made of smoke and cities made of song. Somewhere there's danger, somewhere there's injustice, and somewhere else the tea's getting cold. Come on, Ace. We've got work to do.' -Seven in 'Survival'

11. Scariest Villain: Omega was pretty hardcore. I mean, he kept a whole universe together with the sheer strength of his will! That's pretty intense! Add on top of that he's gone a bit crazy-pants and you've got yourself one scary mutha!

12: Favorite Ships: I'm a shipping fool! New series: Nine/Jabe, Nine/Lynda-with-a-y, Ten/Martha (yeah, I should know better), Ten/Donna, Ten/Reinette, Ten/LadyChristina, Eleven/Amy, River/Doctor (all of the Doctors!), Eleven/Clara...god,I could go on! Classic series: Two/Zoe, Four/Leela, Four/the Romanas, Five/Nyssa, Nyssa/Tegan, Seven/Ace, Barbara/Ian, etc. Oh, and Doctor/TARDIS, of course, which is from the *whole* series!

13. Least Favorite Ships: Ten/Rose, Handy/Rose, Mickey/Rose,Mickey/Martha (ADORE both characters, but hate how they were thrown together), Doctor/SJS

14. Favorite Actor: Classic series -- Patrick Troughton; New series -- David Tennant

15. Favorite Actress: Classic series -- tie: Jean Marsh and Caroline John; New series: tie: Rachael Stirling and Suranne Jones

16. Favorite Writer: Classic series -- Andrew Cartmel (he counts, yes??); New series: either Steven Moffat or Neil Gaiman

17: Favorite Alien: Classic series -- D84 from 'Robots of Death' or Alpha Centauri from the Peladon stories (love zir!); New series -- tie: either the whatever-the-hell-it-was baddie in 'Midnight' or the Clockwork Droids in 'Girl in the Fireplace' (CAN YOU TELL I LOVE ROBOTS?! AND GiTF?!)

18. Sassiest Character: Classic series -- Maxil, hands down! New series -- Donna

19. Most Badass Character: Classic series -- Ace; New series-- tie: Martha Jones (she might be on the quiet -- and underrated! -- side, but she walked the Earth for a year and evaded the Master and THEN! she totally pwned him with a fake gun!) and River Song (do I really need to say why? SHE IS MADE OF PURE BADASS!)

20. Character Who's Most Like You: Amy Pond, so much that its a bit scary sometimes (though looks-wise, I could probably only pull off a decent cosplay of Ray from 'Delta and the Bannerman').

21. Character You'd Like to See Again: Martha Jones (if only for the Doctor to finally treat her properly, which was NEVER gonna happen under RTD's watch)

22. Favorite Theme Song: Official -- the one from the Seventh Doctor's era by Keff McCulloch (My ring tone! So 80s and so sentimental!). Unofficial -- 'Doctor?' by Orbital

23. Favorite Catchphrase: "I'll explain later" ;)

24. Favorite Friendship: New series -- Eleven/Amy; Classic series -- The Brig/Doctor (all of them!)

25. Favorite Gadget: Maybe 'Gadget' from 'Waters on Mars' (come on, he was ADORBZ! 'Gadget, Gadget!')? Okay, really though, the sonic seems the easy answer. Does Nitro-9 count? Maybe the Master's Tissue Compression Eliminator or Leela's Janus thorns for the old school answer and either the Vortex Manipulator or the fob watches associated with the Chameleon Arch (because they are DAMNED PRETTY!) for the new series.

26. Favorite Episode Ever: Classic series -- 'Curse of Fenric'; New series -- 'Amy's Choice'

27. Most Annoying Character: Classic series -- Peri is pretty bad, but a lot of that is due to the accent. Mel is a bit much as well. New series -- Rose. OMG, I know she's some people's favorite, but I generally want to gouge my eyes out most of the time she's on screen. Sorry. Plus, she also made Ten annoying, as they were just sooo smug and toxic together, and I hated that. Blech.

28. Favorite Season Finale: Classic series -- either 'Caves of Androzani' or 'Survival' (BECAUSE OF REASONS); New series -- the 'Pandorica Opens'/'Big Bang' 2-parter (GLORIOUS!)

29. Character You'd Like to Date: Not sure I've ever thought about this. Classic series -- Captain Sorin from 'Curse of Fenric' was quite a looker (he could give me a pin!), as was King Peladon in 'Curse of Peladon'(super sexy legs -- phwroar!). For the ladies, it's so hard to chose between people like Ace, Liz, or even Zoe. Hmm. New series -- Martha, definitely. Reinette (SO PRETTY!). RIVER SONG! God, yes! For the boys, I've always had a weird crush on bowler-hat-guy in 'Gridlock'. John Smith is a bit docile and backward, but he's Tennant-shaped, so I'd be lying if I didn't say I'd totally go there. Same with Handy (the 'metacrisis Doctor'). They might be too much of a hot mess though (mostly why I skipped saying Amy, as well).

30. When Have You Started Watching Doctor Who?: I assume this means 'when did [I] start watching Doctor Who?' Fall 1986 or early-Winter 1987. It's a blur. I was 13 and in the 8th grade, though. I remember that much.

doctor who, meme

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