Synopsis of my life:

Dec 14, 2004 22:50

I turn eighteen in exactly one hour and ten minutes.

I'm going to Beth's for a celebratory coffee and smoke.

Working my ass off. Two jobs, one at the Honey Bear, one at a Serbian restaurant, eighteen credits at community college, and it feels good to be doing something.

Sleep has become a luxury, but I'm cool with it. I slept most of my life away before anyway.

Lots of parties, raves, dancing, meeting new people, being with the old. No time for depression, for the first time ever. Who knew the cure can lie in not a pill, but in avoiding inactivity?

Inactivity breeds restlessness, restlessness breeds boredom, boredom breeds depression.

No pill can take the place of dancing all night.

Okay, unless it's that kind of pill. But I'm not talking about that.

Happy birthday me.

I'm so seriously going to spend twenty minutes browsing the cigarette section at midnight.
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