Um, I don't remember my alarm going off. Maybe it did, and I just chose to ignore it, or I had forgotten to set it to 6:20. When you're half asleep, sometimes you forget to do that.
I hope my mom won't be pissed that I didn't go to school. I had woken up at 7:10, and my bus had left a half hour before. What was I supposed to do, walk the 2 miles to school? I don't think so. And it was going to be a do nothing day anyway. I just have to figure out what I missed, and somehow obtain a copy of Fahrenheit 451 and finish reading it.
Well, it's safe to say I'm officially on vacation. Yay. I have to restart FFX within the next day or so. ::overkills everything::
Oh, and PC already mentioned this, but due to inactivity, we're now accepting members to
The Ruloi Collective, our cheesy little fanfic review community. If you think you wanna join, go read the rules. WOO!
::flies out a window, E. Honda style::