May 10, 2002 22:24
Holy Moley- I just set my entire journal in Hebrew. What a wonderfully entertaining option. Too bad I can't read Hebrew.
I realized today that no matter how many times I go out to my doctors office, I will never be able to find my way back without getting lost. I've been out there a total of like six times and 5/6 times I drove and got lost on the way back. I'm good with directions too. That place is just weird. Today I ended up in Gladstone, talk about backwoods creepy!
After going all the way out there to get my prescription for needles, I found out that they are over the counter any damn ways. Why couldn't these morons tell me that? I bet they charge me for the doctor writing out the prescription too.
I had to get 22gauge 1-1/4in needles. After going to three places I found out that 22gauge 1in needles are apparently highly uncommon. I finally got a Sharps box too.
Tuesday I have an appointment to get blood-work done, my first blood-work since starting. I'm going to demand 1.) they up my dose to 1cc each week 2.) they show me how to self inject. And they WILL COMPLY!!!
PS. make this headache go away, anyone.