I'm actually doing this because I need to rest from drawing yaoi porn and I need some distraction for the upcoming Sobfest within the Death Note fandom. The cool, CASPLOCK Death Note fandom.
And yes I know most of you guys don't care about Laito but I do D: I love him so fucking much!! ;__; Mmmm...this reminds me I need to really, really upload the Shades of God again (the shrine I have for him)
Anyway I stole it from
__synthetique 1) Name: Mayra
2) Male/Female: Female
3) Were you named after anyone?: No
4) Does your name mean anything?: Marvelous :D
5) Nick Name(s): I have a lot D: May, Mayris, tetis (XD), manzana, piscuiz and of course Radfel with variations (Radda, Rad, Fel, Radfie)
6) What do you think you look like..name wise?: Errr...
7) Date Of Birth: January 2, 1988
8) Place of Birth and Current Location: Mexico City, Mexico.
10) Astrology Sign: Capricorn
11) Chinese Astrology Sign: Too lazy to google it.
12) Religion: KIRA IS MY GOD!
13) Whats your favorite smell?: Meat, Candles.
14) Political Position?: Social Democratic
15) What do you prefer to drink in the morning?: Water
16) Hair + Eye color: Both are brown
17) Do you look like anyone famous?: No.
18) What do you look like?: According to people I look like Mello or Light XD.
19) Any unusual talents?: Er.. I can roll my tongue completely and touch my palate with the upper part
20) Righty, Lefty, or Ambidextrous?: Right
21) Straight, Bi, Gay or Other?: Straight
22) What do you do for a living?: Spent my parents money, study and eat sushi o__ó
23) What do you do for fun?: Drawings, fanfictions, play videogames, hang a lot with my friends, diss stupid people.
24) What are your favorite art materials to work with?: Cheese, milk, ice cubes, mechanical pencil and paper.
25) What kind of materials would you like to work with?: ... next.
26) Have you met your grandparents?: Yes, they are still alive, all of them.
27) Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Yes, kinda. He's in France.
28) Crush: No.
29) What celebrity would you date if you could?: Mmmm... none at the moment I mean Seto, Katsuya or Light are sooo welcome to date me :D but they are manga characters
30) Current worries?: My rabbit is sick :( I'm really worried. SOBFEST
31) Favorite online Guy/Girl(s): Too many to write
32) Favorite place to be?: Zentralia (lolololol), my sofa, sushi restaurant.
33) Least favorite place to be?: Church
34) Do you burn or tan?: I hate everything that has to do with the beach. Including this question.
35) Ever break a bone?: Yes XD
36) What is your favorite cereal?: UGH! I hate cereal D: D: D: and their stupid commercials too
37) Person you cry with: I don't really cry, I'm happy and If I cry I do it alone.
Do You Have...
38) Any sisters: One
39) Any brothers: None
40) Any pets: My sister and a rabbit named Scheiße (shit in german XD)
41) An Illness: Fangirlism
42) A Pager: No
43) A Personal phone line: Yes
44) A Cell phone: Yes
45) A visible birthmark: None
46) A Pool or hot tub: hot tub
Describe Your...
48) Personality: I think and I'm damn good at it. I may be a fangirl lots of times, I may talk about fandom, I may be considered really funny but I'm actually very serious about everything I do. I tend to be the best at everything, I hate stupid people; humanity is serious business for me and I actually (and yes I know it's like fangirl thing) think a lot like Light. That's why I love him so much.
49) Driving: Like all the people in Mexico city. I'm really dangerous when I drive; I love speed. Funny thing is my friends say they feel safe when I drive XD
50) Your clothing style: Depends a lot. Sometimes I dress with jeans, shirt and that's it but when I really want "style" I tend to use mini skirts and anime shirts. I've made a lot of male friends with them. Assholes.
51) Room: I wish you could call this a room...
52) What’s missing: MY DAILY DOSIS OF CAPSLOCK, MY YAOI and my stupid pencil.
53) School: Awesome
54) Bed: It's not even a bed anymore, it looks like my closet. My untidy closet.
55) Relationship with your parents: I used to fight a lot with my dad but now I'm in good terms with him. Both of them are cool and awesome because they let me live by myself since I was 17
56) Do You believe in yourself: Absolutely
57) Do you believe in love at first sight?: Not really
58) Consider yourself a good listener: Way too good for my own mental health.
59) Future dream that you would like to share: Be rich... oh wait I have another... don't cry too much with the next DN episodes.
61) Save your e-mail conversations: Naaaa
62) Pray: Nooo. I lol with Jesus
63) Believe in reincarnation: I hope it's true.
64) Brush your teeth twice a day?: Yes
65) Like to talk on the phone: Yes
66) Like to eat?: Depends on my boredom
67) Like to exercise?: Yes
68) Like to watch sports?: Only the soccer world cup. I love it
69) Sing in the car?: YEESSS!!!
70) What is a dream that you have all the time?: I'm actually having recurrent dreams lately and it intrigues me
71) Dream in color: I've never dreamed in b/w
72) Do you have nightmares?: Not really.
73) Sleep with a stuffed animal: No
74) Right next to you: My Light-masturbating-with-the-Death-Note drawing; newspaper; my sister; sushi rolls.
75) On your favorite coffee cup?: I hate coffe.
76) On your mouse pad: No mouse pad, touchpad.
77) Your favorite flavor of gum?: I really don't care.
78) Your brand of deodorant?: Dove
79) Your dream honeymoon spot: er.. next
80) Your dream husband/wife: Someone who is smart. Really. I like my boys pretty too
81) Hiding in your closet?: I was going to say Yaoi but no because I have it all over my walls, even my refrigerator.
82) Under your bed: Urmom
83) Your best friends? Too many <3
84) Your bad time of the day: When the alarm sounds
85) Your worst fear: Death and spiders
86) What's the weather like: Cool.
87) Your favorite time of year?: Winter!!
88) Your favorite holiday?: My birthday
89) A material weakness?: Action figures, videogame consoles.
90) The weirdest food or drink that you like: Tuna fish with cream, pizza with chocolate milk and french fries with ice cream! YUMMY!!!
91) At the top of your "to-do list"?: Finish my Light/Note drawing, eat more sushi and Pchat.
92) The hardest thing about growing up: Notice that 95% of the people of your age isn't growing at all. Assholes.
93) A pet peeve?: Trying to comfort me when I'm crying.
94) Your scariest moment: I almost die in my stairs D: OHNOES!
95) Your attitude about love?: People who suffer from it doesn't really know love. Love is not as difficult as many people makes it look like.
96) The funniest or most desperate thing you've done to get the attention of the opposite sex?: Nothing |:
97) The worst feeling in the world: Not as planned XDDDDDD Really I hate when things don't go my way.
98) The best feeling in the world: Just as planned!
99) Who sent this to you?: I stole it from
__synthetique 100) I send this to: you