May 02, 2007 22:39
Yuck, I am down with two classes failed the Finals 74.2 and 73 however I pased the classes with an 81ish and 85...(C and B). One more class to see if I passed this semester. Cross your fingers =-P.
Today I visited VT campus and the memorials, As I got close this undescripable feeling came over me and I teared up. Driving on campus my heart sunk and walking on the drill feel I started to feel a little better when I saw students having fun playing soccer, they were laughing. Then I saw the sing boards but you could not walk in so I decided to go to the 33 candles and my heart sank even more and I teared up more. I still haven't had that good cry I need. i know why I need to cry but for some reason I can't seem too... I feel uhhh whats the word selfish. I do not know why I would feel selfish about crying but i do. argh I guess I will figure it out!!!!!!