
Mar 03, 2010 00:38


Threadhopping/threadjacking: Sure, why not? Go right ahead.
Attack/Injure: He'll probably be the one doing the attacking, so I'm definitely in favor of violence.
Intoxicate: I'm... not sure if he can get drunk, but we'll say he can. Go ahead.
Mindfuck/Rape/Torture/Kill/etc.: Ask first/No/Probably, but ask first/Ask first
Hug/Kiss: You can try...
Sex logs: Technically possible, but I really don't see it happening. I'd rather not do that, at any rate.
Read your thoughts/emotions:: Read away.
Anything you don't want brought up to this character? Nothing off hand.
Anything else? Things are likely to get violent with him, so be careful. Feel free to talk to me at any time about what he can/cannot do to your character.
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