www.facebook.com/album.php The above link is to a photo of the very first Scout Troop in Decatur, Illinois. Here is another view of it:
It was formed sometime after December 1910, based on an archived newspaper article from the Daily Review.
http://www.bsatroop65tidewater.org/bsarchives23.html The only individuals I am pretty sure of are #12 and #13, As I believe them to be my Grandfather and his older brother.
The troop supposedly met in the basement of their home. The following is information provided by my Uncle Keith about the identities of the scouts and adults in the picture:
(1) Claude Quickel
(2) John Brockway (Scout Master)
(4) Frank Quickel
(5) Granville Winter
(6) Dan McClellan
(7) Tom Hildebrandt
(8) Roy Ives
(9) Harry Ramsey
(10) Wilbur Duncan
(11) Nelson Fisher
(12) Lynn Fisher
(13) Walter W. Fisher
(14) Nate Millsbaugh
(15) Ralph Veech
(16) Brandford Bishop
(17) Joe Riggs *Wearing the first scout uniform in Decatur (called a "suit")
The information was told to my Uncle by my grandfather back on March 16th, 1958. If anyone knows more information (Date of inception, actual Troop number, identities of the still unknown Scouts, etc.) please add to in the comments. I will try to get a better pic of this photo later, but the original went to the Historical society in Macon County, so am limited by what I was given.