Round 3, Challenge 4

Jul 31, 2008 23:18

Round 3, Challenge: 4

Theme: Colour.

This is an almost free choice challenge. You can use the image you want but the icon must contain ONE dominant colour. To understand what I mean, see the examples below. Have fun! :)

1. You may submit only ONE icon which must be 100x100, 40 k - lj standards.
2. Submit your icon to this post (comments are screened)
3. You may change the icon all the times as many times as you want, just delete the previous comment.
4. Textures, text, brushes, etc. are allowed.
5. Animation is not allowed.
6. If you have any question, feel free to ask in this post.



by cookiestome & navi_glow

In the first icon the main colour is blue, there are two rectangles with other colour but blue is still the dominant colour of the icon. In the second one, the icon is almost entirely green.

Deadline: Friday, August 8th '08 at 23:00, Mexico City time.
Entered: 02/04.

! round 3, challenge, r3c4

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