Round 3, Challenge 3

Jul 22, 2008 23:25

Round 3, Challenge: 3

Theme: Empire Awards.

For this challenge you can only use images only of Dan at Empire Awards '06 -it cannot contain other people, neither Rupert Grint nor Emma Watson-. Also, the icon must be b&w only. It can contain a splash of colour but only a splash ;). Have fun!

1. You may submit only ONE icon which must be 100x100, 40 k - lj standards.
2. Submit your icon to this post (comments are screened)
3. You may change the icon all the times as many times as you want, just delete the previous comment.
4. Textures, text, brushes, etc. are allowed.
5. Animation and other images are not allowed.
6. If you have any question, feel free to ask in this post.

Click the picture to see the HQ pic.

HERE you can find more pics.

Deadline: Sunday, July 27th '08 at 23:00, Mexico City time.
Entered: 02/06.

! round 3, r3c3, challenge

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