Round 2, Challenge 6: Final Challenge.

May 06, 2008 22:43

Round 2, Challenge 6: Final Challenge

The final challenge is officialy here. I just want to officialy congratulate tybone and xthepensivex for being our round two finalists. Good luck in this last challenge, guys! :)

The final challenge is divided in three parts:

PART 1: Free choice.
Make an icon with the image you like the most.
- Textures, text, brushes, etc. are allowed.
- Animation is not allowed.

PART 2: Text.
Make an icon with the image below.
- Textures, brushes, etc. are allowed.
- Animation is not allowed.
- The icon must contain readable text.
- Tiny text is allowed.

PART 3: Header.
Make a header for the community.
- You can use the image you like the most.
- Textures, brushes, etc. are allowed.
- Animation is not allowed.
- "Radcliffe_lims" must be included.
- Any other text is allowed.
- Size must be 720x300 -no more, no less-.

If you have any doubt, feel free to ask in this post.

Deadline: Friday, May 16th '08 at 23:00, Mexico City time.

challenge, r2c6, ! round 2

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