Of entrance exams and elections…

May 13, 2013 12:30

I took the entrance exam for PUP College of Law in Sta. Mesa last May 11, 2013. I was part of the third batch of hopeful examinees. We were advised at the start of the exam that we were all scheduled for the interview at 12nn on May 18, 2013. First come, first served basis. I guess that made sense since there were like forty (40) slots remaining for the first semester. Being punctual would help big time I guess since it would show how determined you are to get that coveted spot.

Would it be too much if I arrive for the interview an hour early? Or would that be weird? Anyway, I hope that they would still consider me for enrollment even if I don’t arrive for the interview early. *fingers crossed*

On a more serious note, I just finished casting my vote for our midterm Senatorial and Local election. Our precinct was one of those who have low voters turn out so it didn’t take me and my sis more than fifteen minutes to cast our votes. Though the PCOS machine returned my ballot twice, lol!

I guess the machine didn’t like who I voted for, teehee!

So yeah, that’s how my weekend and Monday was so far. Oh, and it’s raining right now, lucky! The temperature’s been nearing the forties (in Celsius) for the past few days and weeks so this weather change’s very much welcome.

How’s everyone’s day so far?
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