Any Chuck fans out there?

Jun 20, 2012 22:41

Errmm, yeah. So I was finally able to organize my stuff and tried to put some semblance of order in my room. I kinda discovered that I have the first three seasons of Chuck. I started watching season 1 last Monday and it reminded me how much I liked the series when I first saw an episode in 2010. I think it was on the third or second season that time, probably on the second since it's always a season or two delayed when a series gets shown in our local tv networks. Anyway, the reason why i'm asking is that while I was watching the first few episodes, some of the characters reminded me of characters from Glee. I know, weird right?

So now I have these two stupid plot bunnies that won't freaking go away. One is a crossover, wherein Blaine Anderson is Chuck and Sarah's son. And the other one is Blaine Anderson as Chuck and Kurt Hummel as Sarah. I've been looking at Glee and Chuck fanfics for these or anything that resembles those plot but I can't find one. I guess i'll just have to write it if I really can't find one.

If there are any fics you know of that you can recommend kindly send me a link, please... *begs* Or, if anyone wants to help me by bouncing off ideas for these two plots i'll likely write, just drop me a line. I'm currently on the last three episodes of season 1 so if I end up writing a crossover, I need help on canon events from season 2 to 5.

So, how's everyone week so far? I'm stressed out, work sucks, but what can I do?

Hope everyone's week is safe and stress free. *hugs*

ETA: I just saw my profile and saw these really cool and lovely v-gifts gracing it. Oh my! I want to say THANK YOU to those who sent me v-gifts even when i'm hibernating somewhere in the middle of nowhere. *big hugs* Mwah!

fic idea, glee, chuck, back from hibernation

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