Late birthday gifts are great!

Feb 25, 2012 23:38

If all late birthday gifts are as cool as these, keep 'em coming!

Did I mention I have the greatest, coolest and sweetest cousins in the world?

And thank for all the birthday greetings and v-gifts. I haven't checked them all yet as I have just checked my LJ again. RL can be such a pain sometimes. Hopefully, things would settle down in a few days. I misd talking to everyone here. I have 100+ friends page post updates to catch up on lol!

How's everyone's week so far? *hugs*

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

birthday, cheers, rl, handheld memories, cousins, my week so far, fangirling, via ljapp, rl sucks, fun, family, back from hibernation

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