Two down... two more to go...

May 22, 2011 23:06

I just finished my tutorials tonight. It's the second time this week that I had a full load (probably because I kept on cancelling some of my classes *facepalm* It's raining here in my side of the world. I'm really happy because it will lessen the heat. I think i'll be able to sleep good tonight. *happy dance* Oh and I did something weird earlier. When it started raining, I went to our "dirty kitchen" (the one located outside) and grabbed the coffee, cream, sugar and thermos. My Mom was looking at me like i've lost my mind. I just ignored her. Our dirty kitchen sometimes floods when it's raining hard so I need to take what I need inside when I still could. The things I do for coffee. *face palm*

My cousin's wedding is on Saturday, and I am really pissed off with the changes on the plan on how we will go there. Their place is quite far from ours (think of going from one state/town to another state/town). I want to go there on Friday after work and just spend the night bunking with my other cousins in their attic room. (I love the attic room, it has a great a/c unit and walk in closet!) At least we don't have to get up early to get ready for the long drive. On the other hand, going there on the day of the wedding itself means less clothes to bring. Ugh, sometimes I wish we could just apparate or teleport.

On a lighter note. I have finished and sent my entry for the HD Mpreg fest! Wooot! A big thank you to clover71 , nenne and lady_of_clunn for helping me! You ladies rock! *glomps* Although I made a booboo and sent the wrong document to the mods first. *head desk* Note to self: always double check your attachment before sending. It was a good thing that I always blind copy myself in my emails or I never would have realized I sent the wrong document. Lol!

Now that's another entry I could cross off my list. Hmmm.... let's see....

Fest list

dracotops_harry - done!
harrydracompreg - done!
dracotops_harry - working on it, due on June 17
au_bigbang - working on it, rough draft due on July 1 and final draft due on August 5

Wow, almost halfway done on my fest list. I think I still have the time to squeeze in rpf_big_bang on my list and finally update (and finish!) my KKM fic Stitches and Burns. *contemplating*

So how's everyone's weekend so far?

funny, fail, rain, rl, cousins, my week so far, weekend, fun, random thoughts, writing, coffee, family, back from hibernation, fandom rocks, online teaching

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