of cookies and determination...

Apr 29, 2011 00:40

So four of my cousins are staying here at our house for the week. They'd been dropping 'subtle' hints about wanting to eat cookies. I took pity and told them i'll bake some if they can buy some flour. I was thinking they would just give up as it was already 9pm and chances are, they won't find an open store that could sell them one. I was dead wrong... They were able to buy flour from I don't know where - so now I had no choice but to give in to their demands. Talk about determination!

In all fairness to these kids (yeah, I still think of them as kids even though they're all in high school and college), they helped out at dropping the dough on the cookie sheets. They even made a heart shaped cookie in my honor.

Before baking:

After baking:

Although it was tiring, it was fun bonding with them. So here's a pic of my little (yeah right, they're all taller than me!) helpers... aren't they a good lookin' batch?

*proud grin, blinks, looks at the picture again* Uh and yeah, the one at the background is my Dad. Er, I didn't realize he was included in the frame. *face palm*

Tired now, off to bed! Night everyone! *hugs*

cheers, rl, handheld memories, pimping, cousins, chocolates, my week so far, fun, ramble, family, back from hibernation, cookies

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