
Apr 01, 2011 19:26

A belated birthday greetings to all my March born f-listers!

calrissian18, sweetiedogood, lilliputian722, kjp_013, digitallace, jelanneyen, silenceberry, failed_mission, guinechan, lolafalola, monychan

I pray for a blessed year ahead for all of you! *hugs*

Happy birthday to aj_socks and winnett! I hope you have a great and blessed day/year ahead. *cue in confetti throwing and champagne glasses tinkling* I just realized you two share the same birthday with the great pranksters of HP world: Fred and George Weasley! Woot! That's so awesome!

Okay, rambling done - really, I just want to greet those who celebrate it: Happy April Fool's Day! Now go ahead and spread some prank, er I mean, love. *wink wink*

birthday, cheers, rl, my week so far, harry potter, friends, fun, ramble, back from hibernation, fandom rocks

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